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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Yersinia Disease

Yersinia Disease-What is Yersinia diseases?

Yersinia disease is a zoonotic infectious disease caused by Yersinia enterocolitica.Yersinia disease clinical manifestations of the type of acute gastroenteritis and enterocolitis and sepsis also a variety of clinical types of acute appendicitis, meningitis, multiple arthritis, scarlet fever, jaundice, and lymphocytic leukemia, in partcases have a chronic tendency. Patients, healthy carriers of pathogens carried by the sick and infected livestock, is spread through contaminated water and food through the digestive tract. The crowd is generally susceptible to many children under the age of 15. And more distributed, the onset of winter and more common as the bacteria can grow at low temperatures, so save the food in the refrigerator at 4 ℃ more infectious.

Yersinia disease - Classification
The yersinia for animal gut bacteria, widespread in the animal. In the external environment (river water, well water, distilled water), the bacteria can not only long-term survival, and reproduction. Psychrophilic bacteria, food contaminated continue to multiply even in the cold, so the disease in winter prone. Of modern civilization "refrigerator enteritis pathogens, the human-animal Yersinia.

The Yersinia including 11 kinds of pathogenic three types: bacteria Yersinia enterocolitica, Yersinia pseudotuberculosis and Yersinia pestis. Only the Yersinia bacteria and Yersinia pseudotuberculosis have been identified foodborne pathogens. Yersinia pestis caused the Black gangrene disease is not transmitted through food. 1981 based on DNA and the biochemical and morphological characteristics of the relevant information, and Yersinia bacteria is extremely close three homology group as Yersinia species named, they Freund Yersinia (Y the · frederiksenii), intermediate-type Yersinia (Y intermedia) and Klinefelter Yersinia bacteria.

Yersinia disease - Clinical manifestations
Yersinia Yersinia bacteria is a pathogen of acute gastroenteritis and food poisoning attention in the 1930s as a zoonosis. Yersinia disease incubation period of about feeding after 3-7 days, there are reports of 11 days onset. Duration of 1-3 days, but some cases last for 5-14 days or longer. The main symptoms are fever, abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting, arthritis, sepsis. The typical symptoms of Yersinia disease is often gastroenteritis symptoms, fever, and can also cause appendicitis. Some cause reactive arthritis, another complication is sepsis, or blood infections, although less common, but a higher mortality rate. The bacteria population tingible infants, a common cause of fever, abdominal pain and bloody diarrhea.

Pseudo-tuberculosis, Yersinia can cause the onset of weaned pigs and growing pigs, mild fever, eyelids, facial and abdominal swelling, diarrhea with mucus and blood in the stool. Yersinia, small intestine, colon, can lead to the weaned pig intestinal distention, diarrhea, intermittent discharge paste Xifen stool mixed with mucus and intestinal mucosal shedding, fecal surface often red or dark brown blood, sometimes in a relatively forming surface of the stool attached to a layer of gray, shiny shiny film. The pig body temperature is normal, a few rise to more than 40 ℃. The long duration of the pigs, poor appetite, weight loss, rough coat, unsteady gait. The mortality rate is not high, but growth is retarded. Piglets can be death due to dehydration and shock. Adult pigs can often resistant.

Yersinia disease - Epidemiology
Yersinia bacteria distribution

Yersinia bacteria is widely distributed, can exist in raw vegetables, milk and dairy products, meat, soy products, salads, oysters, Kazakhstan and shrimp. Also present in the environment, such as lakes, rivers, soil and vegetation. Bacteria isolated from the feces of livestock, dogs, cats, goats, squirrels, mink and primates. Around in the harbor, many birds, including waterfowl and gulls may be carriers. The high carrier rate of the pigs, Japan reported a detection rate of 4%, and 3.6% in Canada, Denmark, 10-17%. In pigs in the tonsils, the strain is most vulnerable to discovery.

Yersinia disease - Check
Yersinia pestis laboratory tests:

1, peripheral white blood cell count and neutrophils can be increased, erythrocyte sedimentation rate often faster, stool microscopy shows leukocytes and erythrocytes.

2, the specimens were taken from the lesion, such as stool, blood, urine, sputum, cerebrospinal fluid, mesenteric lymph nodes can be isolated from Yersinia pestis.

3, serology

convalescent serum agglutination test compared with the acute phase titer was more than four times the growth or titer of 1:160 or more diagnostic significance.

② The serum anti-Yersinia outer membrane protein of IgA, IgG detection than the agglutination test specific stronger.

Yersinia pestis antigen in biopsy specimens of 4, other available immunofluorescence assay with conventional PCR detection of clinical and food specimens, Yersinia enterocolitica and fake tuberculosis, Yersinia pestis, and PCR-probe combination of methods, nested-PCR method for detection of Yersinia enterocolitica.

Relevant inspection:

Immunoglobulin A

> Immunoglobulin G

> White blood cell count

> Cerebrospinal fluid

> Platelet


Yersinia disease - Treatment
Intestinal infection is generally self-limiting, only symptomatic treatment can be without antibiotic therapy. Serious illness, especially extraintestinal infection should be antimicrobial treatment preferred fluoroquinolones, ofloxacin 600mg daily orally 2 or 3 times, 3 to 5 days for treatment. Sepsis by intravenous administration can be used either ofloxacin or furosemide Bu Xilin, mezlocillin, ceftazidime, cefotaxime and Latamoxef resistant to beta-lactamase antibiotics. Abscess incision and drainage.

Yersinia disease - control measures

1, isolation of suspected patients or patients, strict implementation of quarantine system;

2, cut off the route of transmission, rodent fleas;

Increase population immunity (vaccination plague non-toxic living vaccine) and personal protection.

Yersinia disease - Research Progress
Yersinia pestis 16S-23SrRNA gene intergenic region Exhibition fast and accurate identification of Yersinia pestis. The method of PCR reaction plus restriction endonuclease digestion. Results of 103 Y. pestis from different foci of 16S-23S rRNA gene intergenic region amplified, can expand to a two length 146bp and 1090bp fragment of the amplified product with restriction endonuclease Taq I the Msp the I digestion of the restriction map is the same. Control strains enterocolitis Yersinia, Salmonella typhimurium, Escherichia coli, Shigella, cholera, Vibrio amplification products and restriction map and Yersinia pestis is not the same. Concluded that Yersinia pestis 16S-23S rRNA gene intergenic region was highly homologous, basic for the two types, the length of 146bp and 090bp, its obviously different from other strains; this method will contribute to the rapid and accurate identification of Yersinia pestis.