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Sunday, February 19, 2012


Desensitization-What is the desensitization?

Desensitization is a common method of treatment of type allergic disease. Also known as desensitization. Introduced to the body with a small amount of incremental methods can be sensitized allergens, so the body can produce immunological tolerance is no longer due to contact with allergens allergen to react violently. Desensitization belong to the scope of immunotherapy.

Desensitization - contentCommonly used method of treatment of allergic disease. Also known as desensitization. Introduced to the body with a small amount of incremental methods can be sensitized allergens, so the body can produce immunological tolerance is no longer due to contact with allergens allergen to react violently. Desensitization belong to the scope of immunotherapy. The classic immunotherapy refers to passive immunization, an individual autoimmune antibodies or gamma - globulin that is transferred to another individual, for the treatment or prevention of infectious diseases. Later, the application of immunity to strengthen the drug treatment of immune deficiency, application of immunosuppressive drugs to treat some allergic disease and cancer, the use of immune activity in lymphoid tissues (such as bone marrow, thymus) or their product (such as thymosin, transfer factor) for the therapy, and desensitization are classified in the context of immunotherapy. Classic desensitization therapy began in 1911, success with injections of small doses of pollen hay fever.

Desensitization - PrinciplesType hypersensitivity by the speed of onset of the immunoglobulin E and mast cell-mediated allergy. Allergens from the outside world (such as house dust, pollen, food) allergy quality of the body led to the above change in the original immunoglobulin E (IgE) production; of IgE pro-cell antibodies, it is attached to the the surface of mast cells, the sensitization; sensitized mast cells re-exposure to the same allergen, at the cell surface antigen - antibody reaction causes mast cell degranulation. Prolapse by the mast cell granules contain a variety of active substances such as histamine, leukotrienes, and eosinophil chemotactic factor, bradykinin, they are caused by different organizations telangiectasia, exudation, edema, secretory activity of hyperthyroidism, smooth muscle spasm, eosinophil infiltration and reaction. The clinical manifestations of a series type of allergic rhinitis, allergic conjunctivitis, bronchial asthma, urticaria, angioedema and other allergic disease. Prevent overproduction of IgE and prevent allergen of IgE on mast cells, and effective measures to prevent the type of allergic disease.Experiments show that the desensitization therapy, serum immunoglobulin E, and G levels gradually increased to about four months of IgG levels continue to rise, to the end of treatment, the level of up to a thousand times before treatment; IgE levels decreased gradually in about four months. of IgG pro-cell characteristics, it circulates in the bloodstream, you can always capture the allergen into the body to prevent its combination with the IgE on mast cells, thereby protecting the mast cells, blocking the occurrence of clinical symptoms. IgG known as blocking antibodies or blocking antibodies. There is a certain parallel relationship between blocking antibody levels and clinical efficacy.

Desensitization - methodDesensitization therapy commonly used way of subcutaneous injection. The initial patients receiving desensitization therapy from the beginning of the lowest concentration, the minimum dose and gradually increasing doses. This prevents the occurrence of the phenomenon of intolerance during treatment, such treatment is called conventional desensitization or increment desensitization. After a period of treatment, the injection volume of patients that can be tolerated by the highest concentration and maximum dose, but may not achieve the required cumulative amount, concentration and dose the patient can withstand the highest level, then you can repeat injection , because the efficacy and cumulative amount of parallel. This treatment is that maintenance therapy.

The conventional desensitization from the lowest concentration of the minimum concentration in fact that patients can tolerate the highest concentration. With the increase in the number of desensitization injections, the highest concentration tolerated by the patients can also be increased gradually.
The initial concentration due to the sensitivity of the patient's sensitivity to the higher, the lower initial concentration. Because the strength of the skin test reaction to a certain extent, reflect the sensitivity of the patients, from the strength of the skin test to estimate the initial concentration.Estimated desensitization injection of the initial concentration of the strength of the positive skin test reaction is a rough way, this estimation method is very inaccurate when the skin test reaction is very strong, then the best endpoint titration to determine the start concentration of several different concentrations of the test solution is to use a skin test, intradermal test, several different concentrations of immersion again selected according to the intensity of the reaction caused by the concentration of positive fitness as the initial concentration ofDesensitization injections are generally once every two to three days, the first dose is usually 0.05 ~ 0.1ml. Later is incremented each time a dose of 50%. Can be replaced when an injection volume of the initial dose of 10 times, 10 times higher concentration of immersion continue on France incremental injection. When the leaching solution concentration of 10, 0.5 ~ 1.0ml single dose can be changed to maintain the desensitization. Habits to maintain desensitization dose is 0.5ml. This desensitization therapy is generally continued for 2 to 3 years, and booster shots once every 3 to 4.
Whether it is determined according to the intensity of skin reaction or there will be the end of the titration method to determine the initial concentration of clinical practice to test its accuracy, because the degree of skin test reaction intensity and the body actually sensitized certain gap; In addition, changes in the environment and change the body's physiological and pathological conditions will also affect the body's tolerance, so the actual situation at any time to adjust the concentration and dose.Desensitization therapy is generally safe, overdose lead to intolerance, more performance for the aggravation of the primary symptoms of the disease. You can pause the injection or reduce the dose at the injection site redness itching to subside before the next injection would continue to injection. If the local reaction of long-term course, or systemic vascular inflammation, it may have been caused by a type of allergy, interruption of treatment, alternative methods, but this rarely occurs.