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Saturday, February 18, 2012

Dermoid Cyst

Dermoid cyst-What is a dermoid cyst?

The dermoid cyst is a congenital disorder.The dermoid cyst is a hamartoma. Dermoid cyst is a congenital cyst formed from the in situ skin cells primordia, often located in the skin, and occasionally in the mucosa or internal organs. Where the deeper parts of the dermoid cyst, and not with the surface of the skin adhesion, soft but tough quality, greater tension, its base often and deep tissue such as fascia or periosteum, such as adhesion and immovable, and can because of its long years of oppression in the bone surface and the pressure trace. Lipoma Chengbian equally leafy, located in the subcutaneous tumor on both sides with your fingers along the opposite pushing the local skin, orange peel-like sign.

Dermoid cyst - pathology:Dermoid cyst early age of onset, more common in children. It has been statistics, birth existed accounted for 37.2%, before the 5-year-old discoverer of 62.7%. The generally slow growth, small size, the surface of the skin to be free activities, but the basement is often adhesions fixed. Quality is relatively soft, fluctuations or dough-like sense. The cyst is a single room, thick wall, similar to or less complete skin structure. The innermost side of the stratum corneum of stratified squamous epithelium, and the remaining layers of the epidermis and dermis layers turn out to be arranged. Dermal tissue components accounted for about 90% of the wall, visible hair follicles, sebaceous glands, sweat glands and other tissues. The intracavitary caseous sebum mixed keratinized material, epithelial debris, cholesterol crystals, hair and more thick liquid, was white or yellow, odorless. Subcutaneous dermoid cyst to the the orbital and nasion Ministry of the more common submucosal dermoid cyst seen in the sublingual and submental site. Nasal dermoid cysts sometimes be differentiated glioma or meninges, sublingual, submental dermoid cysts should be differentiated and sublingual cysts, hygroma, thyroglossal duct cyst.Dermoid cyst a congenital dermoid biology, developmental abnormalities of the embryonic period, the ectodermal part fracture was buried in the subcutaneous or conjunctival tissue from. Prone to the inside of the eyelid or lateral, the occurrence of the site and orbital suture, often the origin of such suture. Can also occur in the superciliary arch, orbital and conjunctival. Round or oval shape, large and small, usually no more than a large walnut, soft capsule tension, hardness increases as the tumor samples. Connective tissue capsule around the cyst, smooth surface, clear boundary, slightly elastic, generally no adhesions with the skin, but often with the periosteum adhesion, Department of Congenital therefore early detection. Sometimes associated with eyelid defects, deformities and other congenital anomalies.
Histologically, the typical cyst outsourcing a layer of connective tissue capsule epidermis facing the cavity between the two contains the hypoplastic skin appendages such as hair follicles, France glands, sebaceous glands, blood vessels, sometimes mixed with cartilage, muscle , nervous. Cysts within the sebaceous gland-like substance, keratinizing substances, cholesterol, hair, necrotic cells may have calcification. Clinical and epidermoid cyst is not easy to distinguish. Two distinct histopathological epidermoid cyst wall is not a skin appendage, only keratosis intracavitary substances and fatty substances, excluding the hair.Dermoid cysts
Dermoid cyst treatment is complete surgical resection. Cysts substrate close to the bone surface should be removed together with the Ministry of periosteum. After excision of the cyst, if bone tissue depression, defects or deformation other deformities, according to the wound with or without contamination and aseptic conditions, real-time or post-line tissue transplantation to restore normal appearanceSurgical removal of cysts deep sometimes and meningeal adhesions, and thus cut off of the surgery, should be careful not to hurt the meninges.

Dermoid cyst treatment
Dermoid cyst treatment is complete surgical resection. Cysts substrate close to the bone surface should be removed together with the Ministry of periosteum. After excision of the cyst, if bone tissue depression, defects or deformation other deformities, according to the wound with or without contamination and aseptic conditions, real-time or post-line tissue transplantation to restore normal appearance

Surgical removal of cysts deep sometimes and meningeal adhesions, and thus cut off of the surgery, should be careful not to hurt the meninges.

Dermoid cyst - Other
Dermoid cyst - medication principle

Dermoid cysts generally do not need medication.

Additional tests.

Generally do not need to check.

When the skull sutural dermoid cyst, if necessary, check the "B".

Efficacy evaluation.

Cure: complete tumor resection.