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Friday, February 10, 2012


Morphine-What is morphine?

Morphine is a psychotropic drug, molecular chemical formula is C17H19NO3, molecular weight of 285.34, mainly in oral form. Morphine has analgesic effects in the dream, and scientists to Greek mythology, which the god of dreams and sleep - the name of Morpheus this narcotic analgesic agent named "morphine". Medicine called morphine hydrochloride.

Morphine - to adapt to the symptoms
Morphine - analgesic: a strong analgesic effect and are valid for all the pain, persistent dull the effect of intermittent sharp pain and visceral colic. A dose, the analgesic effect lasts 4 to 8 hours, it is used only for the pain caused by trauma, surgery, burns, myocardial infarction.

Morphine - sedation: analgesia and significant sedative effect, and sometimes produce euphoria, tension can improve pain patients.

Morphine - inhibition of respiration: inhibit the respiratory center, and lower respiratory center sensitivity to carbon dioxide.

Morphine - cough: to inhibit the cough center, resulting in the antitussive effect. Addiction is not suitable for clinical application.

Morphine - the role of smooth muscle: May cause gastrointestinal smooth muscle excited, resulting in constipation; and biliary tract, ureter, bronchial smooth muscle tension to increase.

Morphine - cardiovascular system: the promotion of endogenous histamine release leaving peripheral vasodilatation, decreased blood pressure; cerebral vasodilation, increased intracranial pressure.

7 morphine: there was also addictive and not suitable for clinical antiemetic.

Morphine - A Brief History of
Plant opium poppy morphine extracted from the A film has been a 180-year history. Morphine is extracted from the plant poppy, is the most important opium alkaloids (10-15%) content.

In 1806, French chemist F. Zell Tina first isolated from opium. The isolated white powder experiments in the dog and himself, the results of dog eat soon after sleep, with a strong stimulation can make it wake up excited; himself to swallow the powder slept. Accordingly he morphine Adams (Morphus,), the god of sleep in Greek mythology, the name of these substances named as "morphine".

Morphine - pharmacological effects
Morphine is the main active ingredient of opium, the role of the central nervous system: a strong anesthetic and analgesic. Morphine anesthesia, the analgesic effect of naturally occurring compounds can not be compared. Its analgesic a wide range, suitable for almost all kinds of severe pain, including the pain of advanced cancer, the first administration of analgesia for up to 4-5 hours, and analgesia to maintain awareness and other senses are not affected. There is also a significant sedative effect, can eliminate the pain caused by anxiety, tension, fear and other emotional responses, significantly improve patient tolerance of pain.

2, the role of the respiratory system: morphine can inhibit the respiratory center of the brain and cough, the hub of activity, so that respiratory rate and produce suppression of cough. Acute poisoning can cause paralysis of the respiratory center, respiratory arrest to death.

3, the role of the cardiovascular system: therapeutic dose of morphine on blood vessels and heart rate had no obvious effect, large doses of morphine can cause orthostatic hypotension and bradycardia.

4, the role of the digestive system: the smooth muscle of the gastrointestinal tract, the sphincter be a stimulant, making it the tension increased, peristalsis, so the effect of the Anti-diarrhea and constipation.

Morphine - side effectsAnalgesics), nausea, vomiting, the frequency of occurrence is quite high: just started using morphine directly stimulates the chemoreceptors of the extension of the brain to stimulate the region caused by the doctor will open some antiemetic, or open a spirit the neuroleptanalgesia agent to improve symptoms.
2) easily tired want to sleep: some patients will want to sleep, fatigue phenomenon in older patients more likely to have, the doctor may first observe the patient response, some patients in the medication after a period of time, would like to sleep will gradually disappear, if the symptoms persist and there are sleeping, your doctor may reduce the morphine dose, the combined use of other painkillers in order to avoid the occurrence of pain, until the patients want to sleep symptoms improved, and then slowly increase the morphine dose.
3) emotional instability, mental disorders: older patients prone to the symptoms usually disappear gradually. At this point, family members or patients should be aware of this temporary phenomenon, otherwise it will cause unnecessary panic.
4) dysuria: morphine will inhibit the micturition reflex, urine retention. Can be used to help urination drug used in conjunction with, but sometimes ineffective, and may require catheterization.
5) the expansion of skin itching: morphine causes the epidermis vascular, skin redness, itching. Available antihistamine drugs to relieve symptoms.
6) constipation: the majority of patients will occur, due to the morphine will reduce the motility of the gastrointestinal tract and affects the central nervous defecation reflex, resulting in constipation. If you do not pay attention, constipation will be very serious, but increased patient discomfort. Usually associated with laxatives take to prevent the occurrence of constipation.
7) respiratory depression: the use of low doses will produce changes in respiratory rate and depth of respiration, and morphine would affect the brainstem respiratory center. So keep an eye out with or without breathing problems, the event must immediately oxygen or the injection of morphine antagonists.
8) hypotension: morphine can cause peripheral vasodilation, so some patients may cause dizziness postural change, you should pay attention to safety.
Morphine - NoteMorphine 1, continuous use can be addictive, need to be used with caution.
2, infants and lactating women hanged, parturient women disabled (breast discharge and distribution to the placenta, can inhibit the newborn and infant breathing).
3, can cause adverse reactions such as dizziness, vomiting, and constipation.
4, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, bronchial asthma, pulmonary heart disease is disabled; late acute left ventricular failure and respiratory failure when hanged.
Intracranial hypertension, traumatic brain injury patients are disabled.
6, liver dysfunction were hanged.
7, biliary colic, renal colic in combination with atropine, a single FDA has further exacerbated the pain.
8, before the causes of pain is not clear, avoid using this product, to prevent the mask symptoms, delaying treatment.
9, the degree of respiratory depression in parallel with the dose of morphine, is too large doses can cause acute morphine poisoning patients appear lethargic, slow down breathing, miosis needle-like, and thus can cause respiratory paralysis and death.
Morphine - addictive substancesMorphine extracted from opium, a white crystalline powderIts toxicity is the opium of the 8 - to 10 times the morphine-like substances including opium, morphine, heroin, codeine, methadone, pethidine. Both natural products, semi-synthetic or all of the synthetic product.
1) mental state: opiate substance dependent patients is often the appearance of malaise, pale and thin, untidy dress; conversation visible thinking undisciplined and even repeat, difficulty concentrating, memory clear obstacle to intelligence activities than slow; emotional response to apathy, frustration and more See also euphoric; will of the weakening of activity behavior tends to retreat, the lack of initiating, lazy, Pita, the ability to work decreased; particularly prominent personality changes, manifested as irritable, or insignificant and self-esteem, or cunning treacherous, family and social responsibility was undermined.
2) effects of addiction: suction or injection opiate substances, suddenly feeling the body cool and comfortable, the spirit inspire all the troubles disregard all pain vanish, comfort can be maintained for 4-6 hours, the analgesic effect can be maintained for 12 to 24 hours. The early use or excessive dizziness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and other symptoms, and even Bianshen sweating, red eyes, the slight drop in blood pressure.
3) psychological dependence: the substance of all opiate dependent patients had a strong psychological dependence, substance interrupt the mourning soul loss of a sense of soul, a constant state of anxiety, do everything possible to stop at nothing to seek the drug. Some people, although the economy is very tense, but to buy drugs actually home to eat, clothing expense and generosity; some to friends and family at the four beggars, lost due human dignity, do not hesitate to abuse, noisy, kneeling, theft, or even make a suicide gesture to give in to blackmail relatives and friends; others lie to pretend to be sick, get a doctor's prescription to buy morphine-like substances.
4) physical dependence: withdrawal reaction is generally four hours after the interruption of the substance to three days. Common withdrawal symptoms by frequency of occurrence as follows: fatigue, weakness, yawning, runny nose, watery eyes, insomnia, palpitations, aches and pains, loss of appetite, chills, fever, dizziness, irritability, sweating, cramps, and even appear faint, limb tremor, and since, the main exercise.
5) physical changes: the most salient features of miosis, such as needle-like, and intractable constipation. Changes in the nervous system have increased muscle tone, tendon reflex activity or hyperthyroidism, sometimes pathological reflex, a small number of dependent persons may have lethargy, slurred speech, tremors, unsteady gait. Male or female, can be diminished libido, male patients with impotence or weak erection, ejaculation difficulties, female patients with menstrual disorders.
First aid measures
1) with 1:2000 potassium permanganate solution gastric lavage or induce vomiting.
2) via a gastric tube, injected or fed sodium sulfate 15-30g catharsis, promote poison discharged.
3) the case of subcutaneous outdated as soon as possible with a rubber band or cloth fastened above the injection site, and cold at the injection site, in order to delay the absorption of poison. Ligation site every 20-30 minutes intermittently relax for 1-2 minutes, not continuous ligation.
4) absorption difficult to hypoxia and oxygen artificial respiration should be continued. Timely nitrogen uptake to maintain airway patency.
5) antidote, requires a physician can use, such as Na Luofen naloxone intramuscularly.

Morphine - toxic effects
Highly addictive morphine, heroin, pethidine, methadone, etc. are morphine derivatives. Morphine has a strong analgesic effect, but it than opioid easier addictive, and thus become a drug. Usually continuous medication more than a week can be addictive. Some people only medication a few days to addiction. Commonly used injectable subcutaneous or intravenous injection of morphine addiction, seek pleasure or avoid the pain off medication.

From the intravenous injection of morphine, the initial feel for the experience of a burst of pleasure "or" excited "state of mind, such a state lasted a few seconds to several minutes. It has a strong sense of euphoria, this pharmacological properties, is to produce a major source of abuse and addiction. Taking morphine on the nerve center of the side effects of performance as drowsiness and personality changes, caused some degree of comfort and euphoria; in the cerebral cortex, resulting in the decline of human attention, thinking and memory performance, and long-term large doses of morphine, shadow from the symptoms of mental disorders, Dan death and hallucinations; in the respiratory system, large doses of morphine can cause respiratory arrest and death.

Morphine powerfully addictive both physically and mentally on the morphine and severe dependence makes the long-term smokers, resulting in a serious drug addiction, morphine addiction by increasing the dose to receive the same results. Taking morphine withdrawal symptoms: sweating, shivering, fever, high blood pressure, muscle pain and contracture.