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Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Vasculitis-What is vasculitis?

Vasculitis is a group with vascular necrosis and inflammation-related diseases. Most of unknown etiology, a more specific cause of serum sickness, drug Yi-state reaction and infection; hepatitis B virus has proven to be a variety of causes of vasculitis. Clinically divided into two major categories of immunogenicity and secondary.

Vasculitis - OverviewVasculitis, vasculitis, vascular wall and perivascular inflammatory cell infiltration, and associated with vascular injury, including cellulose deposition, degeneration of collagen fibers, endothelial cells and muscle cell necrosis, inflammation, also known as vasculitis.Direct role of the pathogenic factors in the vessel wall caused by primary vasculitis, vascular inflammation on the basis of clinical symptoms and signs of vasculitis diseases; by the adjacent tissue inflammatory lesions spread to the blood vessel wall caused by the secondary vascular inflammation, only a variety of tissue pathological changes in one of vasculitic disease.
In addition, the so-called collagen vascular disease, vascular damage is one of the major associated lesions of these diseases is a generalized vasculitis disease. Vasculitic disease is uncommon. Vasculitis lesions involving not only the blood vessel itself, but also involving the organization dominated by the vascular and organ, and some can be fatal, since the application of corticosteroids in the treatment, the prognosis has improved considerably. Vessel type, size and function, clinical symptoms and signs of vasculitis.
Vasculitis - illness characteristicsVascular inflammation - lung, lung: the emergence of diffuse, interstitial or nodular lesions, may have a cough, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing performance;Kidney: hematuria, proteinuria, high incidence, often the earlier onset of renal dysfunction;3, the liver: liver discomfort, impaired liver function;Cardiovascular: no pulse, increased blood pressure differences in bilateral limb.5, the nervous system: due to the intracranial blood vessels supplying the lesion, causing symptoms of cerebral ischemia, intracranial vasculitis can cause intracranial hemorrhage, or nodular lesions. Supply peripheral nerve vascular disease, can cause neuropathy, a nervous feeling, movement disorders;6, nasopharynx: in one of Wegener's granulomatosis (vasculitis), may have granuloma-like lesions of the nasopharynx, nasal congestion, nasal bleeding symptoms;, The skin: a lot of vasculitis will appear rash, skin vascular changes, and sometimes the rash is the only clinical manifestations. Allergic purpura, skin bleeding, bleeding spots. Some manifestations of nodular lesions, the lump may appear after insect bites, allergic vasculitis, Behcet's disease and other diseases, such lesions. In addition to joint pain, gastrointestinal symptoms.

Vasculitis - clinical manifestations- Erythema, vasculitis, mainly:
① multi-system damage;
② Activities glomerulonephritis;
③ ischemic or bleeding symptoms and signs, especially in the young;
④ uplift sexual erythema and nodular necrotizing rash;
⑤ mononeuritis multiplex and unexplained fever. Biopsy diagnosis of this disease and the other check angiography, autoantibodies inspection.
2, cutaneous allergic vasculitis, vasculitis symptoms of the disease involving only the skin, occurs in young adults. General fatigue, joint and muscle pain and other symptoms, a small number of cases may have irregular fever, but no such symptoms. Skin lesions for multiforme, erythema, nodules, purpura, the wind group, blood blisters, pimples, necrosis and ulcers. Knees is the most common skin lesions up to the lower part of the two legs and the back foot. More lesions characterized by purpura-like rash, pressure does not fade, is due to the vessel wall, inflammatory cell infiltration and exudation Therefore, ecchymosis are high from that can be touched, but the disease characteristics. Some began to subcutaneous nodules, such as soy beans and jujube size, light red and tender. Completely like some start purpura-like skin lesions, and some skin lesions began to like erysipelas kind of change, and some may morphea-like change, and some like more than erythema multiforme-like. Wheal, pimples and other lesions of the development process may be associated with. Severe inflammatory response, blood blisters, necrosis and ulceration, purpura and purpura rash on part of the nodule damage may also occur ulcer with pain. Edema to the ankle and dorsum of the foot as the most important. The afternoon is more apparent, and accompanied by two leg soreness weakness.
Of the disease lesions There are many, but almost all of purpura or nodules. Neutral neutrophil extravasation to the surrounding tissue when the pustules. Lesions can occur in any part of the back, arms, buttocks, was symmetrical. Lesions perceived pain, itching or burning sensation, and some have no symptoms, and tenderness. The lesions healed with hyperpigmentation, if the ulcer more atrophic scars. The lesions of acute exacerbation of damage in batches, are widely distributed, with lower leg edema, severe illness. Damage of chronic, repeated episodes of the last several months or several years. Mild lesions 2-4 weeks can be more. Some lesions merging to four weeks expanded into large areas of damage, more common in the knees, elbows and hands, like persistent elevated erythema performance.
Systemic allergic vasculitis, systemic allergic vasculitis, vasculitis symptoms of the disease with multiple organ involvement, serious condition. The organs of the small blood vessels, especially capillaries after venous involvement, diffuse oozing and bleeding stove more than in the organs within. Organ involvement, the manifestations of acute onset, usually have a headache, irregular fever, malaise, fatigue, joint and muscle pain and other symptoms. Different course of the disease, the severity of different, if the first contact with the antigen, about 3-4 weeks more, if repeated contact with antigen, recurrent disease, the course lasts for a few months or years. The prognosis of the disease depends on the involved organs and lesions.
67% of patients with polymorphous skin damage is more common, but often palpable ecchymosis. 75% of patients with non-specific fever, about 2/3 of patients with joint pain and joint swelling. The lesions may invade the mucosa, epistaxis, hemoptysis, blood in the stool. 1/3 of patients with renal involvement with proteinuria and hematuria, severe renal failure is the leading cause of death. Violation of the intestine may have abdominal pain, steatorrhea, bloody diarrhea, acute cholecystitis and other gastrointestinal symptoms. May have pancreatitis, diabetes.
Chest X-ray of pneumonia performance and nodular shadow, pleurisy or pleural effusion. Violations of the nervous system, if the headache, diplopia, delusions, mental confusion, and even cerebral thrombosis and paralysis, dysphagia, sensory and / or movement dysfunction. Heart damage is myocardial infarction, arrhythmias and pericarditis. Ischemic renal cortex may have serious high blood pressure. The most common ocular manifestation of systemic vasculitis episcleritis and retinal hemorrhage. Painful swelling of the epididymis and testis may be a manifestation of vasculitis. Some people think that the diagnosis of systemic vasculitis, renal biopsy and direct immunofluorescence test can often help confirm the diagnosis.

Vasculitis - Treatment Process
remove the cause, eliminate allergens;

(2) treatment of underlying diseases such as connective tissue disease, cancer.

limited to vasculitis of the skin, commonly used antihistamines such as chlorpheniramine 12 mg / day, benzene, indene amine 75 mg / day, 3 times service, indomethacin (indomethacin) 25 mg per 2-3 times a day, ibuprofen 0.4 g, 2 times a day;

The systemic vasculitis available prednisone plus cyclophosphamide;

Komatsu (5) antiplatelet aggregation agent can be used aspirin a day, 3-10 mg per kg of body weight, the vasodilator medicinal nifedipine 10 mg, every day three times, or isosorbide (isosorbide dinitrate) 10 mg per three times a day orally.

Vasculitis - diet health
Vasculitis - diet health, the Salvia wine: white wine 500 grams, 90 grams of purple Salvia soak after a week, every drink 30 ml, 1 1-2 times a day. For in vasculitis
Initial limbs numbness.
2, red bean cook MI Ren: 100 grams of red bean, raw and cooked, MI Ren 30 grams, jujube 7, brown sugar, with cooked after taking. Applies to limb swelling.

3, soy wax gourd skin soup: melon skin 60 grams, 60 grams of soy, 3 bowls of water, fry a bowl, to the residue to drink. Limb edema, systemic anemia.

4, red bean peach kernel lotus root soup: walnuts 15 grams, 60 grams of red bean, lotus root, 100 g, cut into small pieces, add some water soup, a little seasoning salt, Decoction and fresh red bean and lotus root. Apply to the limbs blood and who.

5, mulberry soup: 60 grams of mulberry, add water bowl, fry a bowl half. The amount of seasoning, white sugar or brown sugar to the residue to drink. For backache dizziness.

Vasculitis - Note
1, one egg per day up to a
2, milk up to half a catty
3, green vegetables, eat more
4, kelp, seaweed, fungus and more food
5, soy + coarse grains, eat more
6, to relax the spirit, not every day thinking about their patients
7, to the appropriate activities to communicate with others
8, must not smoke, drink, low-salt diet .