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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Mammary gland hyperplasia

Mammary gland hyperplasia-What is the mammary gland hyperplasia?

Mammary gland hyperplasia is the most common breast disease, also known as breast cystic hyperplasia.Mammary gland hyperplasia, including breast pain, breast Hyperplasia fiber adenosis, fibrosis, hyperplasia, breast cancer (because a lot of breast cancer by hyperplasia of mammary gland malignancy generated). About 50% of women in clinical performance of the mammary gland hyperplasia, usually more common in women aged 20 - 50, especially over the age of 30, unmarried, without a child, breastfeeding, love angry women.

Mammary gland hyperplasia - Overview
Breast hyperplasia of mammary gland hyperplasia, lobular hyperplasia, seen in the clinical breast cystic adenosis, chronic breast disease, chronic cystic mastitis, mammary dysplasia, breast cystic hyperplasia are of mammary glands. Is a common benign lesions of the breast. More common in middle-aged women, the vast majority of lobular hyperplasia and endocrine imbalance. It is not an inflammation, not cancer, but the physiological response from the body's endocrine imbalance is a disorder of normal breast structure. Some patients have a feeling of breast tenderness, tingling, or pain, menstrual cycle, palpable and flake, granular or nodular mass, quality and tough, the differential diagnosis of viable breast B ultrasound or X-gland tablets.

Is the most common breast disease in women, the incidence rate of breast disease first. In recent years, the incidence of the disease showed an increasing trend, the age of increasingly younger age. According to the survey, about 70% to 80% of women have different levels of mammary gland hyperplasia is more common in 25 - to 45-year-old female.

Of mammary glands belong to the scope of "Rubi" of Chinese medicine. A description of this disease was first seen in the "Tripitaka", after the ancient physicians and more discussed, and detailed its pathogenesis, clinical manifestations and treatment are described. "Rubi" is used to describe the gas-poor, pain and fullness in the breast department, drama, pain, disease, please slow when when light weight and other characteristics. Ulcer subjects heart of Germany set is described: milk tuberculosis shape pill eggs, no pain, do not send chills and fever, skin color change, its nuclear with joy, anger, while the growth and decline, the name of Rubi. "Both describe the characteristics of fast swelling, also pointed out that the relationship of mammary glands and emotional changes.

Experts advise: the suffering of mammary glands a considerable number of patients pay enough attention to the delay in treatment or just to relieve the symptoms of breast pain, unaware of mammary gland hyperplasia of the potential danger - a small number of breast hyperplasia, long-term persistent more, breast benign or malignant lesions.

Hyperplasia of mammary glands - the cause of pathologicalThe etiology of breast hyperplasia of mammary glands is not yet clear. At present, many associated with endocrine disorders and mental factors. Progesterone secretion decreased, the relative increase in estrogen, an important cause of the disease. Mainly benign hyperplasia of the breast stromal hyperplasia can occur in the duct around and accompanied by the formation of cysts of varying sizes; may also occur in the glandular epithelial papillary hyperplasia, with the milk ducts cystic dilatation. In addition, there are a substance of lobular hyperplasia type.In recent years, many scholars believe that prolactin elevation is caused by hyperplasia of mammary glands is an important factor. In addition, studies have shown that hormone receptor also plays an important role in the pathogenesis of mammary glands.
Is generally believed that the nervous, immune, and trace elements in a variety of factors can cause the imbalance of the body of various endocrine hormones. The external environment, working and living conditions of human existence, relationships, neuropsychiatric factors, etc. can make a variety of pressure caused by the body's internal environment is changed, thus affecting the function of the endocrine system, thereby enabling one or several hormones secretion abnormalities. For example, in the long-term anxiety state, opioid hypertonia, the neurotransmitter environment changes, the occurrence of estrogen / dopamine uncoordinated, leading to increase in PRL secretion, which may cause or aggravate of mammary glands.
Chinese medicine believes that the liver and kidney of the two with the breast closest relationship, followed by red any two of the clock. Qi stagnation, emotions and internal injuries in the pathogenesis of Rubi. Usually emotional depression, not Shu Qi stagnation, blood weeks loss of degrees Accumulation of stomach meridian of the breast milk network the meridians blocking barrier, not General pain caused by breast pain; liver tribulations Fan Wei, spleen lost health movement, phlegm students, qi stagnation rely on sputum gather nuclear, follow through the remaining milk together, so the milk in the agglomeration. Liver and kidney deficiency, disorders of the Chong and Ren is caused by an important cause of Rubi. Five internal organs of the kidney, kidney metaplasia menstruation, menstruation to stimulate the Chong and Ren, Chong and Ren began uterus, even the breast, red the blood of any of the behavior of milk, under the acts had been. Chong and Ren disorders, blood stagnation, insufficient kidney plot stasis gather in the breast, uterus, or breast pain caking, or menstruation disorders disorders.
Mammary gland hyperplasia is characterized by cyclical breast pain. At first tour diffuse pain and tenderness on the side of the breast outside and in the upper obvious, the monthly pre-menstrual pain got worse, passing after the pain diminished or disappeared. In severe cases, after the former by showed persistent pain. Sometimes pain in the axilla, upper body, upper limbs, etc. radiation. Patients usually report a lump in the breast, and clinical examination Shique only touched a thickening of the mammary glands. There are very few adolescent simple hyperplasia of mammary glands about 2 years of self-healing, most patients need to treatment, do not hold on.
Mammary gland hyperplasia - Clinical manifestationsBreast pain and lump-based disease and the major clinical manifestations
(1) breast tenderness: common as unilateral or bilateral breast pain or tenderness. Course of two months to several years, most patients with the characteristics of the cyclical pain, premenstrual occur or worsen, reduce or disappear after menstruation. It should be noted that, cyclical breast pain is a typical manifestation of this disease, but the lack of this feature does not negate the existence of lesions.
(2) breast lumps: often multiple, unilateral or bilateral, more common outside the quadrant; and size, textureCyclical changes fairly frequently with menstruation, premenstrual mass increases, hard, menstrual tumor size, quality and tough but not tough. Section structure of the lesions were palpable palpable check, sizes, and the surrounding tissue boundaries is unclear, and more tender, no adhesion to the skin and deep tissue, can be driven, axillary lymph node enlargement.In addition, there are of longer duration, the slow development, can sometimes have nipple discharge, such as performance. Nodules within the breast is essentially a cystic dilatation of the large and small milk ducts, nipple discharge from these cysts, yellow green, brown or bloody, even as a colorless serous.
(3) menstrual disorders: patients can expand to see before and after menstruation from time to time, less or pale, may be associated with dysmenorrhea.
(4) emotional changes: patients often emotional rather smooth or irritability, whenever angry, nervous or tired after the increase.
Disease type and its clinical manifestations
(1) Qi stagnation: menstruation or menstrual breast swelling and pain with joy, anger, the disappearance of unilateral or bilateral palpable and ranging in size beaded nodule mass of mung bean big step nodules or into coarse cords The lack of quality and tough is not hard, according to the movable and deep tissue adhesion unclear environment mediated menstrual cycle by the amount of more chest Heating depression irritability
(2) Chong and Ren is not adjusted type: breast mass was before or after menstrual pain aggravated by the line to reduce or disappear menstrual period more than the extension of menstrual pain do not play by less body tired and weak the backache limbs Shaofu chills the course of time loss rule a small number of cancer can occur
Resection specimens often has yellow-white quality and tough capsule section sometimes see a lot of scattered small capsule is actually cystic dilatation of the size of the catheter wall mostly smooth, yellow-green or brown viscous liquid, sometimes yellow and white cheese-like substances overflow from the nozzle as claimed schimmelbusche disease to diffuse cystic disease of a single tension cyan cyst known as Blue Top cyst
Cystic hyperplasia and breast cancer is not clear epidemiological research suggests that cystic hyperplasia of breast cancer patients after 2 to 4 times the normal population cystic hyperplasia of whether the malignant transformation and its ductal epithelial hyperplasia. simple cystic hyperplasia rarely malignant if accompanied by dysplasia heavy degrees of malignancy may be more a pre-cancerous lesions
The patient often one side or both sides of the breast tenderness, mild cases such as acupuncture can affect the shoulder arm or chest and back pain relief generally significantly menstrual cramps menstrual cramps or disappear within the breast to check with scattered round nodule size ranging from quality tough sometimes tender nodules with the surrounding breast tissue, ill-defined with the skin or chest muscle adhesions sometimes can also affect the performance of more ill-defined thickening lesions in the breast outside the top to the entire breast small number of patients nipple discharge is often brown serous or bloody fluid course of the disease, sometimes long after menopause symptoms often disappear automatically or mitigate.

Mammary gland hyperplasia - diagnostic testsDiagnosisOf mammary glands of patients with clinical manifestations are not typical or no significant premenstrual breast tenderness, and showed that for breast lumps, especially unilateral single hard lumps, should be differentiated from fibroadenoma of the breast and breast cancer.
(1) of mammary glands: both can be seen in the breast tumor and fibroadenoma of the breast, single or multiple texture is tough and real. Of mammary glands of the breast lumps are mostly bilateral multiple tumor sizes, showed a nodular piece block or granular, generally softer texture, but also was hard and tough, sometimes with solitary, but more associated with premenstrual breast tenderness, touch is also a sense of pain, breast lumps the size of the characters varies periodically with menstruation, age at onset to young; fibroadenoma of breast lumps are mostly unilateral and single hair, lumps are mostly round or oval clear boundary activity, texture generally Ren, there are multiple tumors, but in general no breast tenderness, or only mild menstrual breast discomfort, no tenderness, breast lumps the size of the characters does not change due to the menstrual cycle, patients over the age of 30 years of age, the most common 20 ~ 25 years old. In addition, breast mammography X-ray films, fibroadenoma of the breast manifests itself even the shadow of the round or oval density and its unique circular transparent halo, or as a differential diagnosis is an important basis.
(2) of the mammary hyperplasia and breast cancer: the two can be seen in the breast lumps. But the texture of the breast lump of mammary glands are generally relatively soft, or medium hardness, mass bilateral multiple sizes for nodular chip block or granular, activities, and the skin and surrounding tissue, no adhesion lumps the size of the characters often change with the menstrual cycle and mood changes, and slow-growing tumor occurs in young women; breast cancer, breast lumps generally hard texture, and some as hard as stone, lumps mostly with solitary , the mass was round, oval or irregular in shape, and can grow to great activity, easy with the skin and surrounding tissue adhesion, the mass and the menstrual cycle and mood changes unrelated to the rapid growth in a short time large, occur in middle-aged women. In addition, breast mammography X-ray films, breast cancer usually presents mass in small calcifications, abnormal blood vessels shadow and burr can also help diagnose. The mass-needle aspiration of breast cancer can be found in the atypical cells. The final diagnosis must be subject to the pathological findings.
InspectionOutside under the next within the palm of your hand to be correct breast examination Touch Stretch the end of the four fingers close together with the most sensitive index finger, middle finger ring finger pulp sequential light palpable breast upper outer region last examination of the breast middle of the nipple and areola area can not the finger Zhuanie breast the organization otherwise would Zhuanie the to the breast tissue mistaken for lumps.

Mammary gland hyperplasia - and sex lifeBreast hyperplasia of mammary gland hyperplasia and sexual relationship for many women who do not understand. In fact, the breasts as sexual organs one, and sex are closely linked.
Mammary gland hyperplasia accounts for more than two-thirds of the female breast disease can occur from youth to middle age. The early onset of breast pain, after lumps or nipple yellowish discharge, so that the patient was very nervous. According to statistics, about 1% -3% of the patients mayInto breast cancer, so women must pay close attention to the prevention of the occurrence of mammary gland hyperplasia.
Mammary gland hyperplasia because in addition to the lack of a harmonious sexual life, long-term depression, lack of sexual pleasure, but also by early middle age, over 30 years of age, nulliparous, unmarried senior citizens do not breast-feeding, postpartum, the number of abortions, sexual dysfunction and the marital relationship discord.
Chinese medicine believes that the Department of mammary gland hyperplasia, liver qi stagnation, phlegm stasis due to qi stagnation associated with unpleasant emotions, emotional depression, and other factors. Between husband and wife happy relations between the sexes, including the coordination and harmonious sex life, you can maintain good mood, the blood in the liver accessible, collaterals to reconcile smooth, lobular hyperplasia is not easy. Thus, a harmonious sex life is important and positive measures of prevention of mammary gland hyperplasia.
To the prevention of mammary gland hyperplasia, in addition to promote the timely marriage (not more than 28 years of age), fertility should not be too late (no more than 30 years old); postpartum absence of exceptional circumstances, must breast-feeding; good contraceptive work to eliminate due to repeated abortions, hyperplasia The mammary gland is not easy to shrink and trigger the incentive of the mammary gland hyperplasia; a very important point that women should pay attention to good sex life. Normal, harmonious, balanced and regular sex life, not only to bring their own physical and mental pleasure and amuse, to enhance marital relations, but also help to reduce the occurrence of mammary gland hyperplasia and breast cancer. This is because the breast itself is also the sexual organs, the breast may also occur cyclical changes in the life of. Venous congestion in the sexual excitement of, breast, showing increased breast fullness; sex duration of the areola congestion, nipple erection; of these changes culminated in orgasm; areola hyperemia response faded rapidly after orgasm, while the breast increase after 15-30 minutes was back to normal. Long-term depression, or no sex life of women does not mean that there is no sexual excitement. Women thought that sexual indifference, may be due to a lack of sexual stimulation, long-term inhibition of state and the lack of normal sex life. Sexual response cycle and fertility, lactation, is a regulator of mammary gland function. Once the lack of such physiological processes regulating the endocrine system is easy to disorders prone to breast continued congestion and swelling, leading to the occurrence of mammary gland hyperplasia or breast cancer.
So, as women do not put sex life as a non-essential activities, do not frivolous denial of husband's sexual demands, nor should the sexual life as wait Upon her husband's obligation to become an "outsider", bystanders, and should actively systemic heart into it, careful to experience and enjoy sexual pleasure. Sexual dysfunction, such as low sexual desire, orgasm, lack of gender life difficult harmony, must be positive diagnosis and treatment. Try to avoid divorce, widowhood and celibacy, to maintain regular sexual activity. Usually should be open-minded, cheerful, optimistic mood, prevent depression and anger, the endocrine system to maintain a good working state.

Mammary gland hyperplasia - to identifyOf mammary glands of patients with clinical manifestations are not typical or no significant premenstrual breast tenderness, and showed that for breast lumps, especially unilateral single hard lumps, should be differentiated from fibroadenoma of the breast and breast cancer.
One of mammary glands: both can be seen in the breast tumor and fibroadenoma of the breast, single or multiple texture is tough and real.(2), breast hyperplasia and breast cancer: the two can be seen in the breast lumps.
Mammary gland hyperplasia symptoms:
(1) breast tenderness: common as unilateral or bilateral breast pain or tenderness. Course of two months to several years, most patients with the characteristics of the cyclical pain, premenstrual occur or worsen, reduce or disappear after menstruation. It should be noted that, cyclical breast pain is a typical manifestation of this disease, but the lack of this feature does not negate the existence of lesions.(2) breast lumps: often multiple, unilateral or bilateral, more common outside the quadrant; and size, texture, fairly frequently cyclical changes with the menstrual and premenstrual mass increases, hard, menstrual mass reduced, the quality and tough but not tough. Section structure of the lesions were palpable palpable check, sizes, and the surrounding tissue boundaries is unclear, and more tender, no adhesion to the skin and deep tissue, can be driven, axillary lymph node enlargement. In addition, there are of longer duration, the slow development, can sometimes have nipple discharge, such as performance. Nodules within the breast is essentially a cystic dilatation of the large and small milk ducts, nipple discharge from these cysts, yellow green, brown or bloody, even as a colorless serous.(3) menstrual disorders: patients can expand to see before and after menstruation from time to time, less or pale, may be associated with dysmenorrhea.The etiology of mammary glands is not yet clear. At present, many associated with endocrine disorders and mental factors. Progesterone secretion decreased, the relative increase in estrogen, an important cause of the disease. Mainly benign hyperplasia of the breast stromal hyperplasia can occur in the duct around and accompanied by the formation of cysts of varying sizes; may also occur in the glandular epithelial papillary hyperplasia, with the milk ducts cystic dilatation. In addition, there are a substance of lobular hyperplasia type.
Parting differential diagnosis of mammary gland hyperplasia
(1) Qi stagnation: menstruation or menstrual breast swelling and pain with joy, anger, the disappearance of unilateral or bilateral palpable and ranging in size beaded nodule mass of mung bean big step nodules or into coarse cords The lack of quality and tough is not hard, according to the movable and deep tissue adhesion unclear environment mediated menstrual cycle by the amount of more chest Heating depression irritability
(2) Chong and Ren is not adjusted type: breast mass was before or after menstrual pain aggravated by the line to reduce or disappear menstrual period more than the extension of menstrual pain do not play by less body tired and weak the backache limbs Shaofu chills the course of time loss rule a small number of cancer can occur.
In recent years, many scholars believe that prolactin elevation is caused by hyperplasia of mammary glands is an important factor. In addition, studies have shown that hormone receptor also plays an important role in the pathogenesis of mammary glands.
So what exactly is what causes the endocrine hormone disorder? Is generally believed that the nervous, immune, and trace elements in a variety of factors can cause the imbalance of the body of various endocrine hormones. The external environment, working and living conditions of human existence, relationships, neuropsychiatric factors, etc. can make a variety of pressure caused by the body's internal environment is changed, thus affecting the function of the endocrine system, thereby enabling one or several hormones secretion abnormalities. For example, in the long-term anxiety state, opioid hypertonia, the neurotransmitter environment changes, the occurrence of estrogen / dopamine uncoordinated, leading to increase in PRL secretion, which may cause or aggravate of mammary glands.
Mammary gland hyperplasia - complicationsRecommend to friends Homepage Favorite cancer may be the short term, rapid growth or texture of the hardened mass should be highly suspect that the simple excision of the cancer may be necessary to biopsy or the risk of breast frozen section found in cancer cells should be breast cancer treatment.

Mammary gland hyperplasia - treatment
Non-surgical treatment
Cystic hyperplasia of the vast majority of bra to hold breast Chinese medicine Shugan Qi and harmonizing non-surgical treatment can relieve pain was pain in premenopausal menstrual cramps before taking methyl testosterone on the 1st 3 times each 5mg; or oral progesterone 5 ~ 10mg daily 7 to 10 days before menstruation role in recent years the application of vitamin E treatment also ease the pain still significant mass lesions confined to one part of the menstrual breast can also be applied surgery.

Treatment under the guidance of a doctor: Western 5% potassium iodide, severe pain can try methyl testosterone in the week before menstruation began to oral, so as not to further disturb the subtle balance between the human hormone.

Proprietary Chinese medicines or prescription treatment can also be selected under the guidance of TCM:

(1) is a liver qi stagnation, should Shugan Qi, phlegm.
Service Xiaoyao little gold piece, the Rubi pills, Xihuangwan balls.

(2) is a liver-kidney, should regulate and fortify the liver and kidney, and phlegm. Can clothes Liu Wei Di Huang Wan, two pills, combined with small saver.

(3) of the Chong and Ren the disturbance should be conditioning the Chong and Ren, Wenshen Pinggan. The service small saver, Sanjie spirit.

Acupuncture treatment
Acupoints: the smell of mutton, house shade, Hegu, Zusanli the main points. The qi junction with Taichong; liver and kidney with too River; associated with irregular menstruation with Sanyinjiao with chest trapped pain with foreign relations.

Action: Hua Tuo brand on the 28th from 1 to 1.5 inch needle Tanzhong patients with breast roots obliquely, house nebula hole obliquely to milk the roots; I hole piercing the main. Twisting after the gas smell of mutton in the house shade the two points which can be accessed G6805-I-type electro-acupuncture device, using the density wave, the intensity of appropriate patients can tolerate; I hole a 10 minutes line of needles with the card, reinforcing and reducing each needle for 20 minutes, 10 times as a course of treatment, treatment interval of 3 to 5 days; the treatment of menstrual period suspended during treatment therapy to stop taking all.

Mammary gland hyperplasia - prevention and healthPreventionA psychological treatment is very important, mammary gland hyperplasia on the human body is the psychological damage due to lack of the disease a correct understanding of adverse psychological factors stimulate worries sadness over-stretched, resulting in neurasthenia, will add to endocrine disorders, prompting hyperplasia increased, it should be lifted to a variety of adverse psychological stimuli. Should pay attention to the mental endurance of the poor, less angry, emotional stability, lively and cheerful mood that is conducive to proliferation of early rehabilitation.
Changes in diet, prevent obesity, eat less fried foods, animal fats, sweets and excessive tonic food to eat more vegetables and fruits, eat more whole grains. Black soybeans eat walnuts, black sesame, black fungus, mushrooms.
3, should be the law of life, work and rest, to maintain a harmonious sexual life. Can regulate endocrine disorders, and keep the stool will reduce breast tenderness.
4, more exercise to prevent obesity and improve immunity.
To prohibit the abuse of contraceptives containing estrogen and beauty products, do not eat chicken, beef, fed by estrogen.
6, to avoid the flow of people, maternal feeding, preventive measures.
7, self-examination and regular review.
8, a clear diagnosis, the development of rational treatment program according to the disease. At specialist herbal therapy, a breakthrough was made, the effect is more significant. Such as breast cysts, regardless of the size of the length of time, disappear in about two weeks after treatment. Mammary gland hyperplasia and promptly correct the endocrine, lumps, pain, facial nerve to eliminate pain relief after treatment of acute mastitis.
Fresh treatment of breast hyperplasiaMethod of treatment of such diseases is why there is no real cure to alleviate the suffering of the patient's real reason is that people did not get the rehabilitation of body fluids is the acidification of acidic body fluids does not change the diseased cells will not die This is because to do surgery and other or the cause of relapse after treatment, the treatment of breast hyperplasia have improve their physical condition began to improve their acidic, adding that the body must be organic nutrients in order to restore their immunity from the source to solve the problem to eat more alkaline food.
Acidic food and alkaline food
(1) Strongly acidic food: egg yolk cheese with white sugar West Point or persimmon, mullet roe, dried cod
Acidic food: ham, bacon, chicken and tuna pork eel beef, bread wheat, butter, horse meat
Acidic food: rice peanut beer, wine, fried tofu, seaweed, clams octopus, catfish,
4 weakly alkaline food: red beans radish apple cabbage, onion tofu, etc.
(5) alkaline food: dried radish soy carrot tomato banana orange pumpkin strawberry protein prunes lemon spinach
Strongly alkaline food: Qiama ancient grapes Tea Kelp bud kelp lemon, etc.
Mammary gland hyperplasia - vigilanceMany women using hormone replacement therapy for menopausal syndrome. However, American researchers have recently pointed out that this part of the female response during treatment of breast hyperplasia especially vigilant, because this may indicate they are higher than normal risk of breast cancer. University of California, Los Angeles, researchers released results accept hormone replacement therapy for menopausal women were studied over 16,000 women each year once the breast X-rays. It was found that the more likely they are suffering from breast hyperplasia were three times, and 48% higher risk of treatment of hyperplasia of mammary glands during the women's risk of invasive breast cancer than women does not appear the symptoms. The researchers speculated that hormone replacement therapy to stimulate breast tissue cells to accelerate growth may be an important reason for causing the above results, but has yet to be confirmed. The researchers noted that hormone therapy is still an effective method for treatment of menopausal syndrome, but should try to reduce the dosage of medication time, especially the need to guard against the risk of breast cancer symptoms of breast hyperplasia occurs. Hormone replacement therapy is a disease caused by the supplement of the hormone therapy hormone secretion imbalance, which contribute to the body of postmenopausal women to maintain normal hormone levels.