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Friday, April 27, 2012


Glaucoma-what is glaucoma?

Glaucoma refers to a common troubleshooting intermittent or sustained increase in intraocular pressure eye.Glaucoma quickly, and caused great harm, at any time can lead to blindness. Sustained high IOP can be damaging to the eye part of the organization and visual function leading to optic nerve atrophy, narrow field of vision, vision loss and blindness in a matter of time sooner or later. In acute exacerbation of 24-48 hours to total blindness. If not treated, vision can all be loss to blindness. Glaucoma is the cause of human blindness in the three major cause of blindness in one of the general population incidence rate of 1% to 2% after 45 years of age.

Glaucoma - An OverviewGlaucoma Glaucoma (CHINESE JOURNAL OF OPHTHALMOLOGY), is the value of intraocular pressure adjustment function disorder occurs so that the intraocular pressure abnormalities increased, resulting in visual disturbance, accompanied by retinal morphological changes of the disease. Due to the pupil with the number of green, so this name.Glaucoma ophthalmic a difficult disease, many different types of common acute and chronic types, of which more women with acute congestive glaucoma, an intraocular pressure increased and associated with the cornea around the congestion, mydriasis, intraocular pressure (IOP) l The high, sharp vision loss, headache, mainly nausea and vomiting, eye pain. Harmful to visual function is a common disease. This disease must be urgently addressed by surgery better.Glaucoma - the cause of1, genetic factors:Glaucoma is a polygenic disease, family history, high incidence of no family history of six times, accounting for 13% -47% of the overall incidence of relatives of patients with incidence rate of 3.5% -16%.2, the refractive factors:Patients with refractive errors (myopia, hyperopia, presbyopia) a higher prevalence of myopia 1/3 associated with the development of open-angle glaucoma, hyperopia and more with angle-closure glaucoma.3 bad habits:Smoking and alcohol, personal impermanence, irregular eating, moody, habitual constipation, intractable insomnia.4, eye to systemic disease.5, the inappropriate medication.6, the working and living environment.7, anatomical factors:Shallow anterior chamber, short axial length, the crystal thickness, corneal diameter, short, narrow anterior chamber angle, aqueous discharge barriers, increased intraocular pressure, glaucoma formation.8, age, gender factors:Open-angle glaucoma and multiple 30-year-old was no significant gender differences. Angle-closure in patients above 45 years of age accounted for 68.2% -76.8% of glaucoma patients, more women than men.

Glaucoma - pathologyThe scope of the intraocular pressure of glaucomaIf any part of the aqueous channel is blocked, will lead to increased intraocular pressure. Minor fluctuations, generally in the evening minimum, the night after the break intraocular pressure gradually increased intraocular pressure within normal in 24 hours a day, before the highest to the early morning wake up, get up activities and then slowly decline, IOP fluctuation range of not more than 0.665kpa ( 5mmHg), eyes intraocular pressure is basically the same, or very different. Such as 24-hour intraocular pressure difference of more than 1.064kpa (8mmHg), the highest IOP to exceed 2.793kpa (21mmHg) or eyes intraocular pressure difference is greater than 0.665kpa (5mmHg) should be regarded as exceptions, requires further examination.Factors affect intraocular pressureThe pressure exerted on the wall of the eye, the contents of the eye known as intraocular pressure (referred to as intraocular pressure). Maintain normal visual function, intraocular pressure, said the normal intraocular pressure. Under normal circumstances, the aqueous humor formation rate, the volume of the discharge rate of aqueous humor and ocular contents in a dynamic equilibrium, which is an important factor in maintaining normal intraocular pressure. If the dynamic equilibrium of these three disorders, pathological intraocular pressure. The vast majority of China's normal IOP is between 1.33 ~ 2.79kpa (10-20mmHg), more than 3.19kpa (24mmHg) for pathological phenomena, ranging from 2.79-3.192kpa (21-24mmHg) as suspicious pathological intraocular pressure . But 4.55% of the normal IOP of more than 3.192kpa (average ± 3 standard deviation) without glaucoma status, in other words, the intraocular pressure of these people more than the upper limit of normal people, the optic nerve has not suffered damage. Therefore can not simply use a numeric value as the standard of the division of pathological intraocular pressure (IOP). Intraocular pressure points, three more appropriate range of suspicious pathology and pathology.High intraocular pressure, optic disc microcirculation caused by glaucomatous optic disc invagination, the main reason of visual field damage. Although elevated IOP is an important factor in glaucoma damage, but not absolute. In clinical practice, some patients with IOP Although beyond the statistical upper limit of normal, but the long-term observation, not the optic disc and visual field damage, known as ocular hypertension. Small number of patients the intraocular pressure in the normal range or threshold, and the optic disc and visual field damage is very obvious that this type of glaucoma. Called low-tension glaucoma (low-tension CHINESE JOURNAL OF OPHTHALMOLOGY) or low critical pressure glaucoma (low-critical CHINESE JOURNAL OF OPHTHALMOLOGY).Glaucoma - clinical performanceEtiology and pathogenesis of glaucoma is very complex, it's also a variety of clinical manifestations.Glaucoma common in middle age, more women, especially, the majority of causes of morbidity and spirit-related, such as major mental stimulation, excitement, insomnia and fatigue, etc are likely to cause.

In addition, some patients with glaucoma and genetic factors, family history of glaucoma should be alert to the occurrence of the disease.

Some glaucoma patients may have no early signs until the very small field of vision, mobility difficulties to the middle and late, treatment is often difficult. But most people in the early onset of some of these symptoms occur, patients should prompt attention to detect and seek early treatment.Intraocular pressureRepair HEREBY's IOP measuring the normal IOP range of 10-21 mm Hg, resilient as eyeball with the finger, when the intraocular pressure rose to 25-40 mm Hg, according to the eye as if playing with the finger enough air balls, hard. When up to 40-70 mm Hg, and then finger touch, the eye hard as stone.Decreased visionDue to high intraocular pressure, optic nerve damage to the early period decreased vision at night and fog, as the next morning disappeared.Headache, eye swellingSharp rise in intraocular pressure, the trigeminal nerve endings are stimulated, caused by reflex and the pain of trigeminal nerve distribution area, patients often feel a migraine headache and eye pain.Nausea and vomitingIntraocular pressure can also be caused by reflex vagus nerve center of the excitement of nerve and vomiting, severe nausea and vomiting.The rainbowIntraocular pressure, intraocular fluid circulation disorders cause corneal edema, refractive index change, then see the daylight to see the light outer orange, inner Violet, the middle of relying on a green color ring phenomenon. When the intraocular pressure returned to normal, the color ring that disappeared. This phenomenon is medically known as the rainbow. If physiological or cataract of the rainbow, there will be no headaches, and increased intraocular pressure symptoms.

Glaucoma - typeGlaucoma Glaucoma main categories of four categories: congenital glaucoma, primary glaucoma, secondary glaucoma, mixed glaucoma. The clinical manifestations and characteristics of various types of glaucoma vary.Congenital glaucomaBut also for infants and young children under the age of onset glaucoma and juvenile glaucoma. Glaucoma in the age of 30 fall into this category. The reasons for the formation of congenital glaucoma during embryonic development, the immediate abnormal angle development, resulting in the aqueous discharge blocked, causing elevation of intraocular pressure. 25-80% of patients within six months, 90% of children with the age of one can be diagnosed. 10% of patients in the 1-6 age of onset of symptoms.Infant glaucomaGenerally 0-3 years old glaucoma children classified as such. This type is the most common congenital glaucoma. The mother is ill, immediately after birth, or slow to show symptoms. General binocular lesions, but not necessarily at the same time to onset, 25-30% of patients have unilateral disease. Prominence of the clinical manifestations of postnatal eye, resembling the eyes of the cow it is called the "bull's-eye, photophobia, lacrimation, hi Rouyan, blepharospasm, corneal opacity unclear, irritability and crying, poor appetite or vomiting, sweating, wait until the symptoms. The prognosis of this type lies in timely and correct diagnosis, the wall of the eye in children is in the developmental stage, check the intraocular pressure may be normal, but not with fundus examination, so the lack of glaucoma Qiu book.Juvenile glaucomaAge of onset between the ages of 3-30. This type of clinical performance and open-angle glaucoma is similar to the incidence of hidden harm. In recent years, this type occurred in patients with myopia and the rising trend of incidence. More than 90% of patients do not show typical symptoms of glaucoma, but in myopia, visual fatigue, headache, insomnia, and even unconsciously blind treatment, detailed examination of glaucoma. Check out some patients with glaucoma, but they mistakenly think that I do not feel anything now, vision can not be like the doctor said so, truly blind, then regret it too late, only pain in the dark through life.Primary glaucomaAccording to the morphology of the anterior horn in the anterior chamber and the incidence of priorities, is divided into acute and chronic angle-closure glaucoma, open angle glaucoma:Acute closed-angle glaucomaThe occurrence of acute closed-angle glaucoma is caused by the angle the eye is suddenly narrow or close the aqueous humor can not be discharged, causing the aqueous swell, sharp rise in intraocular pressure. More often in the elderly over 40 years of age accounted for 90%. Women have a higher prevalence to female ratio was 1:4. Ferocious, mild symptoms, drama, and the incidence of narrow anterior chamber or completely closed, and the performance of sudden onset of severe headache, eye swelling, vision sharp drop in the eye as hard as stone, conjunctival congestion, nausea, vomiting, constipation, high blood pressure, this time severe systemic symptoms are easily misdiagnosed as gastroenteritis, encephalitis, nervous headache and other diseases. Such as lack of timely diagnosis and treatment of 24-48 hours to completely blind with no light perception, fulminant glaucoma, but clinically in some patients the pain endured mild to strong, and showed that the orbital and ocular discomfort, and even the eye without any symptoms, and transferred to the forehead, ear, maxillary sinus, teeth pain.

Acute angle-closure glaucoma, but in reality is persistent from chronic angle-closure glaucoma repeatedly.Chronic angle-closure glaucomaThis type accounts for more than 50% of patients with primary glaucoma, age of onset is 30 years old or more, in recent years, with the accelerating pace of life, social competition is increasingly fierce, mental sharp rise in the trend, this type of attack is generally significant incentives, such as emotional, visual fatigue, eye Yongnaoguodu, chronic insomnia, habitual constipation, women during the menstrual period, or local, systemic medication properly, can be induced, expressed as dry eye, fatigue, discomfort, pain , blurred vision or decreased vision, rainbow vision, dizziness, pain, insomnia, high blood pressure. Relieved by rest, and some patients without any symptoms, blindness, examination, intraocular pressure may be normal or fluctuate, or not too high, about 20-30mmhg eyes early can be normal, the type most easily misdiagnosed. So recurrent anterior chamber once the adhesive close to the formation of fulminant glaucoma.Primary open-angle glaucomaOccurred in people over 40. 25% of patients have a family history. The vast majority of patients have no obvious symptoms, and some up to blindness there is no discomfort. Onset of the anterior chamber angle is open. This type of diagnosis is the most critical once the Western diagnosis have been obvious fundus changes, so must be comprehensive, serious rule out each of glaucoma patients with signs of early diagnosis, early treatment, do not wait for the diagnosis of glaucoma to treat, that when you have lost the best time for treatment.Secondary glaucomaGlaucoma are caused by the ocular and systemic diseases such open-angle glaucoma, the cause of quite a wide range of now only briefly the most common types of secondary glaucoma:Refractive error of secondary glaucomaAqueous humor secretion loss constant due to the refractive system dysregulation, the ciliary muscle function disorders, combined with compression of the iris, anterior chamber angle, aqueous discharge blocked, and so cause increased intraocular pressure, the clinical features of these patients are conscious, as the symptoms of fatigue or no obvious discomfort, wearing glasses can not be corrected visual acuity, often misdiagnosed, and therefore, patients with a history of refractive errors can not explain the eye abnormalities should be time to find a the glaucoma extensive clinical experience of the doctor, detailed examination.Angle, the conjunctiva, uveitis, secondary glaucomaOcular inflammation caused by turbid aqueous humor, ciliary muscle, iris, corneal edema, angle shallow, or pupil adhesion, blocking the trabecular meshwork and aqueous humor can not be properly discharged causing increased intraocular pressure. Western medicine the disease is generally with antibiotics, hormones, symptomatic treatment anthropogenic interference with the immune function, and recurrent disease and protraction.Cataract with secondary glaucomaLens opacities in the development process, edema, swelling, or translocation led to a relatively narrow anterior chamber, aqueous discharge blocked, causing intraocular pressure, cataract surgery, and soon the optic nerve atrophy and blindness.

Traumatic glaucomaAngle tear iridodialysis, hyphema, vitreous hemorrhage, retinal concussion, the aqueous humor secretion, discharge pathway blocked secondary glaucoma, optic atrophy, the prognosis is good if positive medicine treatment, surgery can repair the damage the eye tissue, but the cause of retinal injury can not be corrected, so this type of patient generally by the Western treatment at the time, just fine, no longer the treatment, once found to have optic nerve atrophy, resulting in severe visual impairment.Mixed glaucomaTwo or more primary glaucoma at the same time, clinical symptoms with various types of combined type.Glaucoma - diagnosisPatients with glaucoma and glaucoma treatment depends on accurate diagnosis. Glaucoma patients diagnosed with other diseases, a comprehensive analysis based on history, clinical presentation and examination results.Chronic simple glaucoma, such as early diagnosis is extremely important to the protection of visual function. Following early detection, early diagnosis is helpful:Family history ofFamily members have history of glaucoma, and consciously headache, eye up, eye fatigue, especially Presbyopia occurs earlier, or the frequency change of reading glasses and the elderly, should go to the eye examination and regular review.Check the intraocular pressureOften instability of intraocular pressure in glaucoma early, within a day only a few hours intraocular pressure. Therefore, measuring 24-hour intraocular pressure curve in the diagnosis.Fundus changesThe optic disc depression increased glaucoma common signs. Early optic disc can be no significant change as the disease progresses, the physiological depression of the optic disc gradually expanding deepen, and finally reach the edge of a typical glaucoma goblet depression. The optic disc adjacent to the retinal nerve fiber layer is the basis of the visual field defect, it appears in the optic disc or visual field changes. Therefore, as one of the early diagnosis of open-angle glaucoma.Check visionThe vision is an important examination for the diagnosis of open-angle glaucoma. Pathological changes in the optic disc, open-angle glaucoma, visual field defects. Because it represents the damage of the optic nerve. Common clinical type of visual field defect: as the threshold is generally lower, arcuate defects, nasal step, vertical ladder, the temporal side of the fan-shaped defects, the center and the temporal side of the island vision.

Through this examination, the diagnosis of glaucoma, but should also identify the type of glaucoma before the start of treatment. First check the anterior chamber angle, angle opening for open-angle glaucoma, on the contrary, compared with angle-closure glaucoma. Check the angle glaucoma classification diagnosis there are still difficulties, rounds the water smooth coefficient (C value). C values ​​less than 0.1 for the pathological pressure Cheong ratio (Po / C) greater than 150 pathological, mainly seen in open-angle glaucoma. But take note that the value of C and pressure in angle-closure glaucoma recurrent smooth may also be abnormal. In addition, we have optional on some suspected glaucoma provocation tests to assist diagnosis.

Glaucoma - complications
Optic atrophy: Glaucoma is the most common and most serious complications, simply speaking, decreased vision, reduced vision, until the blind, which is the inevitable outcome of each glaucoma.Angioneurotic headache, hypertension, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases: In fact, it is glaucoma performance, but their performance to cover up the eye symptoms, be mistaken for the more severe lesions, such as lack of timely and correct diagnosis and treatment of life-threatening.Cataract: and glaucoma very close, glaucoma, cataract, cataract but also in the pathogenesis of secondary glaucoma.Retinal detachment: This is the most common complications after glaucoma surgery, postoperative intraocular pressure was a sharp decline in the loss of the supporting role of the retina lead to retinal detachment, vision suddenly defects or blind.Inflammation and infection: postoperative inflammation can not be effectively controlled, causing the eye infection, the light failed back surgery, and severe cases, secondary to uveitis need removal of the eye, to prevent the spread of inflammation in the body.Malignant glaucoma: postoperative IOP but a sharp rise in the removal of the eye to relieve pain.Surgical trauma: the eye structure is very fine, a little careful to damage the damage, and does not easily found, one of the glaucoma is also an important cause of failed back surgery.

Glaucoma - treatmentInjection of vitamin B
If the tension is the major factor, injectable vitamin BLaser therapyIf drug therapy is still unable to control the disease, taking other surgery, you can try laser therapy. The new test has been shown that laser therapy on the wide-angle glaucoma (open the angle CHINESE JOURNAL OF OPHTHALMOLOGY). The method is to use the laser iris, forming a small hole to relieve intraocular pressure. If the acute angle-closure glaucoma, the cornea will be affected by high intraocular pressure, the formation of edema and blurred. In this case, laser therapy is probably not the best choice, but need further surgery.

SurgeryThe use of surgical treatment of glaucoma Western Finally, only an important means for the purpose of the surgery in order to better control the intraocular pressure for patients with angle-closure glaucoma, the anterior chamber angle is narrow or closed, temporarily control the intraocular pressure can play a significant effect, but did not correct the cause elevation of intraocular pressure, the real cause of angle closure.Glaucoma surgery for open-angle, evil type, eye inflammation, not only meaningless, it will speed up the progression of the disease. For surgical evaluation of the "temporary reduction in intraocular pressure, relieve symptoms, not the condition corrected from the root cause of" the cause of Chinese medicine treatment, patients should be actively using, in order to achieve full recovery effect.Chinese medicine treatmentCommonly known as green eyes, glaucoma, Chinese medicine is known as the green wind cataract disease from the heat in the liver tuberculosis, phlegm reactive injury, that is, the eye of the liquid regulator malfunction, due to water poisoning caused by eye disorders. Western medicine is the result of the transition increased intraocular pressure, the disease because of the oppression of eyes can lead to blindness.

The symptoms of eye pain astringent, eye swelling, often dizziness, headache, night to see the servo light that red color iris enveloped, sometimes due to severe headache and vomiting. Congenital glaucoma has three main symptoms of tearing, photophobia, eyelid spasm. Method of treatment of tuberculosis in the Liver and thermal benefit lung health Bugan loss, to eliminate the water poisoning. Another one kind of the eyelashes inflammation crisis glaucoma is caused by the grapes layer of the eye inflammation sometimes the medicine does not more, this disease is less common, and often unilateral disease, corneal epithelium of small and marginal Qi-free pigment sediment. according to the conventional treatment of glaucoma, often have the opposite effect, seek medical advice.

Western medicineGlaucoma to the right frame of mind to treat the disease. Patients with glaucoma easy to take two extremes: either to know the dangers of the disease, contact with many Western medicine doctors believe the disease is incurable, and to give up treatment, pessimism, despair, fear, missed treatment. Either do not understand the disease, especially in patients with chronic open-angle type, that I did not much feel, not what the doctor says so serious. Result, causing serious consequences, the pain the rest of his life in the dark, to individuals, families great suffering.Western awareness of glaucoma, summarized as "one (or both eyes) disease, secondary to the blind, life-long medication at any time blindness", the disease has not yet found the exact cause, it can not talk about treatment. Miotics, carbonic anhydrase inhibitors, hyperosmotic agents, hormones, even if the surgery is only temporary reduction in intraocular pressure, relieve symptoms, and was finally ended in blindness, so called "incurable disease".DietMethod One:Recipe: white chrysanthemums; antelope horn powder, 0.3 g.Usage: white chrysanthemum tea, delivery service, antelope horn powder. 2 times a dayIndications: Suitable for angle-closure glaucoma with headache item strong.Method 2:Prescriptions; aspartame 15 g, Radix 15 g, 120 g of rice, crystal sugar.Usage, Wash rice plus aspartame, Ophiopogon japonicus fried the water, boiled two winter porridge. Add crystal sugar, 2 times a day, every time a small bowl.Indications: Suitable for angle-closure glaucoma associated with dry mouth, dry lips, stool dry.Method three:Prescription: the surface phenol 250 g. To Gastrodia play stall grams.Usage: Add Gastrodia powder flour, made bread, a daily food.Indications: Suitable for angle-closure glaucoma associated with headache, elevated blood pressure.Method:Prescription: longan meat 20 grams of red dates 20.Usage: dried longan meat, red dates, longan and red dates soup cook. Daily fresh oneIndications: For ease of less gas fatigue in the elderly glaucoma.Method:Prescription: 35 g lentils, peas, 35 grams, 250 grams of rice.Usage: lentils, peas, flour, add rice noodles, steamed bean cake, times consumption.Indications: angle-closure glaucoma.Method:Prescription: a turtle (approximately set to 250 g), 9 grams of Eucommia wine. The amount of salt.Usage: turtle killed gutted, Cabo Delgado Chung (gauze wrap). Into the bowl of wine, seasoning salt, steam cooked to Eucommia. Eat turtle soup.Indications: for open angle glaucoma and tinnitus, backache, tongue, little coating by.Method 7:Prescription: a carp (weighing about 500 g), 40 grams of red bean, green onion, cooking wine, salt, each suitable home.Usage: live carp to kill washed, add red bean (gauze wrap), human pot and cook until fish cooked Tangnong, add chopped green onion, cooking wine, salt, seasoning, go to the red bean. Soup of fish-eating, 2 times a day, every time a small bowl.Indications: Suitable for open angle glaucoma, eyelid edema, dysuria who.Supplementary nutrientsGlaucoma cholineAdd 1000-2000 mg a day.

An important vitamins.Pantothenic acid (B5)Supplement three times a day, 100 mg.RutinSupplement three times a day, each 50 mg.Vitamin B complex3 times a day, 50 mg, taken meals injection method is used when necessary.Vitamin c and bioflavonoids three times a day can significantly reduce intraocular pressure.Glaucoma - dietGlaucoma Glaucoma is the aqueous humor in the eye more, or blocked circulation caused by increased intraocular pressure, visual impairment, an eye disease. When the patient to drink too much liquid, the human body blood volume increased aqueous humor formation also increased, if short-term intake of plenty of water, would cause the intraocular pressure was significantly increased, resulting in acute glaucoma. Thus, glaucoma patients can not drink plenty of water in a short time, including soft drinks, milk, etc.; some drinks such as coffee, tea, etc., easy to produce excitatory effects on the nervous system, should not drink a lot. If the consumption of some help to reduce intraocular pressure diet, is beneficial for the rehabilitation of glaucoma. If the patient does not have diabetes, the selection of more sugary food allows blood osmotic pressure, speed up the absorption of aqueous humor in the eye, reducing the generation of aqueous humor, lowering intraocular pressure, honey, of which sugar more food. Some of the food has a diuretic effect, such as red bean, watermelon, loofah, etc., should always choose food to prevent intraocular pressure to a certain extent.The key to the treatment of glaucoma to reduce intraocular pressure (IOP), the following regimen with good IOP lowering effect, choose to eat.(1) Honey and glycerin. Diet glaucoma is superior to honey. Acute glaucoma, oral honey or glycerol, 100 ml, can relieve symptoms; chronic intraocular pressure remained high, the available 50% honey or glycerin, oral administration of 50 ml each, 2 times a day. Honey and glycerin to a hyperosmolar agent, after the service allows blood osmotic pressure, which will help the eye aqueous absorption, so that the IOP reduction.(2) diuresis food. And diuresis food to eat red bean, yi, watermelon, melon, sponge gourd, lily flowers, etc., could be supplemented in the Western conventional diuresis (urine) drug for treatment of glaucoma, it is also known as adjuvant therapy.(3) embellish food. Glaucoma patients often have symptoms of constipation, which is very harmful to the body, can cause autointoxication, it can dissolve the vascular endothelial and stromal cells, affect the normal blood circulation, can contribute to aqueous humor secretion increase in intraocular pressure within Erzhi eye. More clothes honey, sesame oil, vegetable oil, vegetable oil, to improve the lubrication of the intestinal tract. Much more I can eat bananas, carrots, pears, lemons, oranges, watermelon, cantaloupe, tomatoes and other fruits and vegetables rich in fiber and whole grains, etc., in order to purge.Glaucoma - blindnessGlaucoma Glaucoma is one of the most common cause of blindness in blind pain to patients, for various reasons. Common reasons are as follows:1, open-angle glaucoma and part of chronic angle-closure glaucoma, no symptoms, the patient does not know their own eyes, sick, once that is late or have been blind.Patients do not listen to medical advice, do not trust doctors do not want to do any inspection, will be the best treatment opportunity missed.3, the dangers of awareness of glaucoma, the indifference of their disease.

Some people just work hard and never see a doctor until the feeling of narrow field of vision to the hospital for treatment. This time is often very late, one eye lost in vain.4, time and medication, the symptoms on some medicine, there are no symptoms, not some medicine, never measuring intraocular pressure, but also do not know how their own medicine for control of intraocular pressure. Unreasonable medication to delay the treatment.5, the doctor advised not listen to. Fear of surgery, the doctors explain surgical outcomes before the surgery, can not correctly deal with a total fear of post-operative vision loss and even blindness surgery dragged on until late to lose the best timing of treatment.Some post-operative patients, the symptoms disappeared, and think that glaucoma has been completely cured, while ignoring the track observed, regular monitoring, some patients in the postoperative unconsciously blind.Some patients after surgery only pay attention to intraocular pressure, without checking the vision for change. Some patients in the hemodynamic abnormalities, such as cardiovascular disease, low blood pressure and whole blood concentrations increased. Because of these factors interact, so that the optic nerve in the long-term state of chronic insufficiency and vision resulting in progressive narrowing, resulting in blindness.View of the above circumstances, it is recommended that patients with glaucoma, you must follow the doctor's advice, and actively seek early and effective treatment to fight the damage of visual function to minimize.

Glaucoma - preventionAcute angle-closure glaucoma, glaucoma is common in the elderly eye, most likely caused by one of the blind eye. Normal eye, often to maintain a certain tension, this tension is the eye contents added pressure to the wall of the eye, medically known as intraocular pressure. China's normal intraocular pressure between 1.4 to 2.8 kPa, the aqueous humor in the eye and circulatory disturbance is caused by increased intraocular pressure caused by glaucoma. The intraocular pressure of glaucoma patients, and often more than 3 kPa, some as high as more than 10 kPa. Due to high intraocular pressure, optic nerve and macular oppressed dysfunction occurs, so to cause vision loss, headache, eye pain, blurred vision, to see the light rainbow ring around the eye as hard as stone, if not treated in time, often lead to blindness, so the strengthening of prevention is very important.1, maintain a happy mood: angry and anxious as well as mental stimulation, it is easy to make intraocular pressure caused by glaucoma, it should always maintain a happy mood, do not get angry and anxious, not anxious for the household chores.2, to maintain a good night's sleep: sleep anxiety and insomnia, easily lead to increased intraocular pressure, induced glaucoma, older people want to feet before going to bed, drink milk, and help them fall asleep, if necessary, service hypnotics, especially people with higher intraocular pressure , but also to sleep well.3, less work or play in the dark light: the people who work in the darkroom, every 1 to 2 hours to get out of the darkroom or the appropriate lights lighting. Emotional irritability, less watching movies, watching TV, but also in a small lamp next to the TV lighting.4, to avoid fatigue: whether it is physical or mental, are easy to make intraocular pressure fluctuations in the body is overworked, so pay attention to patterns of life, work and rest to avoid fatigue.5, Do not overeat: overeating eating and drinking, will cause the intraocular pressure-induced glaucoma. The elderly to eat eight full, no smoking, no drinking, do not drink coffee, drink tea, do not eat spicy and bland food.6, eat honey and other benefits of water, food: honey are hypertonic agents, osmotic pressure will be elevated in the blood after oral administration of the honey, so absorb the excess moisture in the eye into the bloodstream, thereby reducing the intraocular pressure. In addition, watermelon, melon, red bean is also advantageous to the role of water buck, the elderly, appropriate to eat a lot of good to the body.Often touch their own eye, to see the light: the characteristics of glaucoma eye hard to see the light rainbow circle, discovered early treatment.8, to prevent constipation: constipation, bowel movements, often the phenomenon of increased intraocular pressure, to develop regular bowel habits and eat more vegetables, fruits., Adhere to physical exercise: Physical exercise can help blood flow to accelerate, reduced retinal bleeding, the smooth flow of the aqueous, reduce intraocular pressure. But not inverted, so as to prevent intraocular pressure.10, the initiative to check: the elderly each year the amount of time intraocular pressure, especially in hypertensive patients. Found that cataract, iritis also treated early, so as not to cause secondary glaucoma.

Glaucoma - drug contraindicationsGlaucoma Glaucoma mainly due to significantly higher intraocular pressure, intraocular pressure increased and the aqueous too much or discharge disorder Some drugs can contribute to the increase in aqueous or hinder the return of aqueous humor, after taking the drug may aggravate the condition, this should be taboo.To aqueous number of drugs, primarily nitrates such as nitroglycerin, long-acting nitroglycerin, amyl nitrite, isosorbide dinitrate and so on. These drugs are effective expansion of coronary artery at the same time, improve myocardial ischemia, and expansion of retinal blood vessels, prompting the aqueous humor formation increased, increased intraocular pressure. Therefore, the elderly glaucoma patients should be used with caution nitrate drugs. Heart attack when necessary for the application of nitrate drugs, the dose should not, the medication should not be a long time, and observe whether glaucoma worsening performance.To aqueous returning blocked the drug atropine and its derivatives such as winter scopolamine, belladonna, Datura metel, Datura and Propantheline bromide in this Sim, glycopyrrolate, safety Weiling, stomach security Huan stomach, stomach rehabilitation, stomach ulcers equality. These drugs enable the pupil to open muscle individually shrink rainbow frog retreat around the outer edge, so that the oppression of the anterior chamber angle, so that the narrowing of the anterior chamber angle, and so impede aqueous humor to flow back into the scleral venous sinus, resulting in increased intraocular pressure make the disease worse. Therefore, elderly patients with glaucoma must contraindications of these drugs.