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Friday, April 27, 2012

Cerebral Insufficiency

Cerebral Insufficiency-what is cerebral insufficiency?

Cerebral insufficiency refers to the obstacles to a local lack of blood supply to the surface of the brain function of the human brain. The etiology of cerebral insufficiency and cerebral arteriosclerosis, chronic insufficiency of the brain most likely to lead to three major symptoms of dizziness, sleep disorders, memory loss. The need for early treatment of chronic cerebral insufficiency early reversible, proper treatment often get very good results; patience delay, left untreated, often lead to serious consequences.

Cerebral insufficiency - symptoms

Cerebral insufficiency - early symptoms:
A motor nerve function failures: this category is the most common symptoms. Insufficient blood supply to the brain in charge of human motor function, nerve failure, common symptoms such as sudden crooked mouth, flow of saliva, difficulty speaking, slurred speech, aphasia, or language do not convey the difficulty in swallowing, unilateral weakness or activity is not working. holding objects falling, unsteadiness or sudden falls, and some limb spasticity or beating.
(2) sensory dysfunction: impact on the analysis region of the brain, sensory organs and sensory nerve fibers due to cerebral insufficiency, usually presents face numbness, tongue hemp lip Ma and the side of the body numb or foreign body sensation; some into the blurred vision, or even a sudden temporary blindness; many people have a sudden sense of vertigo; some spontaneous limb pain; the sudden appearance of tinnitus, hearing loss, and so on.
(3) spiritual awareness exception: As always sleepy, groggy all day to sleep, not fatigue caused by, but the brain insufficiency aura signs. Some people also manifested as insomnia, some change in the character of some people, such as Gu Pi, reticence or lack of facial expression, and some multi-language impatient; a brief loss of consciousness or mental decline and even loss of normal judgment. these are cerebral insufficiency.

The main symptoms of cerebral insufficiency:
Common cerebrovascular insufficiency patient's symptoms are dizziness, headache, memory loss, insomnia.
The dizziness, especially suddenly felt dizzy.
The numbness, suddenly felt the side of the face or hands and feet numbness, some tongue hemp, lips Ma.
temporarily slurred speech, or speech is not working.
(4) limb weakness or activity is not working.
⑤ and weekdays headache.
sudden unexplained fall off or collapsed.
a brief loss of consciousness or personality and intelligence of the sudden change.
The body, weak and physically weak.
Of nausea, vomiting or blood pressure fluctuations.
The groggy all day drowsiness - state of lethargy.
side or one limb involuntary twitching.
sudden but temporary blurred vision.

Cerebral insufficiency - the disease etiology
The main cause:

Arterial stenosis or vasospasm, by the reduced blood flow, resulting in the supply of the brain regions (1) insufficiency;

(2) hemodynamic disorders, decreased blood pressure, heart stroke reduced brain tissue insufficiency;

(3) for some reason caused by increased blood viscosity changes in slow blood and blood components may also occur and insufficiency;

(4) micro-thrombus formation of microthrombi, dynamic pulse of atherosclerosis plate off the formation of micro-emboli in the bloodstream, with the insufficiency of regional cerebral blood flow to the small arteries and clog the blood vessels occurs.

Cerebral insufficiency - clinical manifestations
Cerebral insufficiency refers to a variety of reasons to cause the brain to extensive chronic insufficiency, caused by brain ischemia and hypoxia, a series of brain dysfunction Pro

Manifestations of the disease of cerebral insufficiency bed. And cerebral insufficiency the clinical manifestations of the following:
A motor nerve function failure of this type of aura signs are most common. Insufficient blood supply to the brain in charge of human motor function, nerve failure, common manifestations such as sudden crooked mouth, flow of saliva, difficulty speaking, slurred speech, aphasia, or language do not convey the difficulty in swallowing, unilateral weakness or activity is not working. holding objects falling, unsteadiness or sudden falls, and some limb spasticity or beating

> Sense of dysfunction due to cerebral insufficiency affects the analysis area of the brain, sensory organs and sensory nerve fibers, usually presents surface Ma, tongue numbness, lip Ma and limb numbness or sensation; into visual material is unclear, and even sudden temporary blindness; many people have a sudden sense of vertigo; some spontaneous limb pain; sudden tinnitus, hearing loss, etc..

3> spiritual awareness abnormality, such as always sleepy and groggy all day sleeping, not fatigue caused by, but the brain insufficiency aura signs. Some people also manifested as insomnia, some change in the character of some people, such as Gu Pi, reticence or lack of facial expression, and some multi-language impatient; a brief loss of consciousness or mental decline and even loss of normal judgment. these are cerebral insufficiency.

Cerebral insufficiency - Disease PreventionHot summer and hot, high temperature, high season for many diseases, but also fat people most hard season. Fat people in the summer to pay special attention to reduce periodic cardiovascular and cerebrovascular ischemic extent. Because the vessel wall deposition of fat people are a lot of fat in the blood also have a lot of fatty plaque, easy to make the artery to the formation of atherosclerosis, exacerbated by blockages in blood vessels, affecting the speed of blood circulation in vivo, slowing the metabolism, increasing the burden on the heart, so that for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular oxygen capacity is decreased. The experts suggest that fat people should note the following:
Cerebral insufficiency. Eight full. Change their eating habits to eat seven to eight percent of the full appropriate, can reduce the day's periodic cardiovascular and cerebrovascular ischemic extent. Recommended to drink 500 ml of milk in the morning, eat 100 grams of pasta, an egg and 100 g beef or mutton, chicken, fish; lunch to eat 300 grams of vegetables, 200 grams of staple food, a nap after eating 150 grams of fruit; dinner to eat 200 grams of vegetables, 100 grams of soy products. The food intake is probably seven to eight percent of adult food intake, this diet will effectively reduce the person's periodic cardiovascular and cerebrovascular ischemia.
2 sleep. Audible some soft music before going to sleep, cool bath, drink a bag of cold yogurt are beneficial to go to sleep. Nap on fat people is very important, should adhere to the practice of "the sky is falling and I must first take a nap".
(3) the mind calm. Less thoughts and reduce thoughtful, so as not to the Firelight fit-induced cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease. Firelight strong summer, the Chinese health experts recommend obese people to reduce thoughtful involves many interpersonal troubles, especially to avoid Firelight fit induced cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Fat people at least one day wash twice to ensure the health of the skin, the two can bring a good mood.
(4) the exercise intensity. Regular exercise is the best way of prevention and treatment of obesity, which can reduce the fat accumulation, so that the pathogenicity of lipid lowering.
Inverted to reduce cerebral insufficiencyAll the nutrition of the brain from the blood, blood in your veins is the only channel to ensure that the nutrient supply of the brain. Insufficient blood supply to the brain once the fatigue will produce memory loss, resilience, low study affect intellectual development. Inverted make more blood out of gravity, flows through the brain to fully improve the blood supply of the brain, and replenish the brain the nutrients and oxygen to promote the sound development of the brain and brain cell metabolism; the need to ensure that intellectual development. The law of nature: the Inverted development of the fetus in the mother caused IQ higher than all animals! Inverted can exercise the brain blood vessels under pressure, and expansion and clear blood vessels play a role in maintaining the blood vessels more flexible and elastic. Can reduce the possibility of cerebrovascular disease, to prevent the generation of cerebral infarction and cerebral hemorrhage.
Cerebral insufficiency preventive conditioning
First of all, physical exercise should be strengthened, the movement is to enhance the systemic blood circulation, effective way to improve cerebral insufficiency, such as walking, jogging, shadow boxing. Second, can be used in medical treatment, Chinese patients with different dialectical kidney deficiency, blood stasis, phlegm syndrome, while the use of Chinese medicine conditioning, you can receive a satisfactory outcome. In addition, the drug taking Maitong, Ginkgo biloba, Yangxueqingnao particles, but also a supporting role. Still make cerebral insufficiency symptoms improved, we must go to the hospital to find specialists for modulating.Secondly, many of hyperlipidemia "eat out" targeted to "eat", high blood cholesterol down. When elevated blood lipids in the initial stage, that is not found to have high blood pressure, heart disease and other cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, especially the young and menopausal women, can lifestyle changes and dietary conditioning regulation of blood lipids, such as control of high-fat, high calorie food intake, eat more whole grains, vegetables and fruits, quit alcohol limit, adhere to exercise.(1) reduce fat intake. Eat less animal fat, lard, pork, butter, sheep, beef, fat duck, fat goose, etc.. These foods too many saturated fatty acids, fat easily deposited in the vessel wall, increased blood viscosity, saturated fatty acids can promote the synthesis of cholesterol absorption and hepatic cholesterol, serum cholesterol levels. Excessive intake, can elevated triglycerides, accelerated blood clotting, and promote thrombosis.(2) to limit cholesterol intake. Eat food with high cholesterol, such as organ meats, egg yolk, roe, squid, etc..
The prevention of cerebral insufficiency
Timely treatment: improve cerebral blood circulation, vasodilators and ginkgo biloba can be used under the guidance of a doctor.Early Prevention: symptomatic treatment of cerebral insufficiency prevention focus in brain blood vessels, especially lipids and increased low-density lipoprotein.(3) a reasonable diet: usually eat more fresh vegetables such as onions, tomatoes, fruit, fish, black fungus, a small amount of vinegar, red wine, can play an antioxidant role, delaying cerebral arteriosclerosis.(4) outdoor activities: such as brisk walking, jogging, walking, etc., each 30-40 minutes at least 5 days per week, or play tai chi, fishing, hiking and so on.5 with the brain to maintain a good attitude and health: usually look at the television, newspapers; to do manual labor or chores; can also participate in some sports activities such as singing, dancing, calligraphy, games or other yardsticks, and enhance brain thinking activities; avoid emotional fatigue.
Prevention of chronic cerebral insufficiency
First, we must focus on improving the lifestyle, quit smoking, limit alcohol, low salt, low-fat diet, pay attention to weight loss.
Secondly, we must strengthen the physical exercise such as walking, jogging, swimming, tai chi. The movement is to enhance the systemic blood circulation, effective way to improve cerebral insufficiency.
Third, aggressive treatment of dyslipidemia, control diabetes, high blood pressure.
Cerebral insufficiency - care

Cerebral insufficiency daily Note
Early to bed and early to rise; appropriate exercise such as brisk walking; eat some breakfast, eat a light is good, not greasy and spicy. The proposed cerebral insufficiency diet much white (sugar, salt, lard), nearly black (black sesame seeds, mushrooms, black rice). From the nutritional value of four legs (pigs, cattle, sheep) as the two legs (chicken, duck), a leg of the two legs than a leg (mushrooms), as there is no leg (fish). Regularly eat kelp, river fish, fish oil can reduce brain cell death rate.Walking exercise: posture, breathing, and ideas: walking heel first landing, one step at a walking, breathing, body breathing, inhale, imagine the universe infuriating through the pores of the whole body inhalation, breath, imagine the body of the sick gas, sewage, fatigue, gas injection through the capillaries of the body to Detached edge shot, breathing and walking speed combination of go fast. Effect: Practicing the function of natural ventilation, heel first landing, the kidney can be mobilized, so Qiangshen and reinforce the role.Treadmill exercise: body: jogging, breathing, ideas: the body breathe, inhale, imagine the universe infuriating through the pores of the body inhaled breath, imagine the body's disease gas, sewage, fatigue, gas through the body capillary injection to go shoot Detached side, breathing and running speed, not too fast.
Cerebral insufficiency of patient careAdjust the risk factors(1) hypertension: blood pressure medication, blood pressure to maintain the normal range, lose weight, increasing physical activity, active exercise. (2) The prohibition of smoking: Smoking can increase the concentration of fibrinogen in the blood of patients with hypertension, increased platelet aggregation rate, increased red blood cell backlog, so that increased blood viscosity.Adjust your diet(1) lose weight. (2) Avoid alcohol (Prohibition), alcohol consumption can lead to high blood pressure, elevated triglyceride levels, resulting in rebound thrombocytosis. (3) lower cholesterol (blood fat). (4) Control of salt intake (6 g per day, has been suffering from high blood pressure is controlled at about 3 g). The use of salt is about one-third of the salt in normal diet. (5) control of blood glucose. Diabetes can promote early cerebral arteriosclerosis, cut out sugar and more sugar cakes, fruits, canned.Patients with dietary consumption of legumes, soy products, vegetable oils, whole grains, vegetables, fruits, moderate consumption of lean meat, milkA balanced diet. Usually eat fresh vegetables such as onions, tomatoes, fruits, fish, black fungus, a small amount of vinegar, red wine, can play an antioxidant role in delaying the occurrence of cerebral arteriosclerosis.Appropriate outdoor activities. Such as brisk walking, jogging, walking, etc., each 30-40 minutes at least 5 times per week, or play tai chi, fishing, hiking and so on.Maintain a good attitude and healthy brain. Usually look at the television, newspapers; to do manual labor or chores; can also participate in some sports activities, such as singing, dancing fitness dance, calligraphy, playing, edify, enhance brain thinking activity; to avoid the emotional and fatigue; more than physical activity, increasing physical activity.
Cerebral insufficiency in patients with family conditioning1, the consumption of garlic: garlic lowering blood pressure, lowering blood pressure, brain function, due to garlic contains allicin, vitamin B1 synthesis "garlic amine", the role of strong garlic amine the role of vitamin B1 2-4 times, so there is enough glucose and vitamin B1 case, consumption of garlic can promote the conversion of glucose to the brain required more energy supply, alleviate the symptoms of cerebral insufficiency. Southerners fear raw garlic spicy raw garlic vinegar dip to eat.Pueraria powder or puerarin powder porridge: Pueraria milling dried soup every morning to take 50 grams of dry powder, boiled, on behalf of breakfast consumption. Or Gegen 150 grams and 50 grams of rice gruel consumption, spleen and stomach were cut. Can lower blood pressure, relieve hardening of arteries.Eat pine needles: collecting the tender pine needles eaten raw, eat 10 - 20 grams a day, or to Matsuba dried, each with 10 grams, open blisters on behalf of the tea, insist on more than six months. Recent study found that pine needles containing flavonoids, powerful antioxidants, can inhibit platelet aggregation, reduce lipid peroxidation, reducing the proliferation of smooth muscle cells, can prevent atherosclerosis and thrombosis.4, folic acid supplements: folate-rich foods include leafy vegetables, soybeans and orange juice. Eat 500 grams of green leafy vegetables, or drink a glass (400ml) milk or drink a glass of orange juice, adequate intake of folic acid.5 bananas: Bananas are rich in potassium, potassium and anti-arteriosclerosis, lowering blood pressure, protects the heart. Eat three bananas, and resistant to cerebral arteriosclerosis.Note: Early to bed and early to rise; appropriate exercise such as brisk walking; must eat breakfast, eat light for good, not greasy and spicy. The proposed cerebral insufficiency diet much white (sugar, salt, lard), nearly black (black sesame seeds, mushrooms, black rice).From the nutritional value of four legs (pigs, cattle, sheep) as the two legs (chicken, duck), a leg of the two legs than a leg (mushrooms), as there is no leg (fish). Regularly eat kelp, river fish, fish oil can reduce brain cell death rate.
Cerebral insufficiency in patients with dietary guidelinesCerebral vascular insufficiency of the diet as much as possible to light, if all of a sudden are not used to so light dinner, dinner not too full, too late, so at night the blood will not be too thick.If you have a hobby of smoking or drinking, should be used sparingly.(3) eat less sugar, or oil sugar composition of food.Eat meat dishes, think of some fat, high fat, animal offal must be controlled.Try to eat more vegetables, whole grains, put less oil to cook, eat corn, kelp, seaweed, black fungus, celery with vascular scavenger vegetarian.6 Li Luobo eat, mung bean sprouts, leeks, melon and other lipid-lowering food.Eat beans they have a wealth of plant protein, and the other: eat high cholesterol foods such as: egg yolk.